Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Washington Is Not A Swamp

“Drain the Swamp” has become a rallying cry for Trump supporters to fix Washington. Referring to Washington as a swamp is very unfair to swamps. Swamps are very productive ecosystems and Washington is anything but.

A more appropriate phrase would be “Pump out the cesspool.”

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Kiosks Replacing Kids

I saw my first ordering kiosk at a local McDonalds a few weeks ago. As I predicted, the Left's push for "a living wage" unsupported by economic reality will kill jobs. So now instead of high schoolers get their first job working at McDonalds, they are being replaced by machines. There's Progressive progress for you!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

One Degree of Separation

In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, Hollywood superstar, Jennifer Lawrence, recently revealed that early in her career she was subjected to a nude lineup at a casting call, wearing only pasties to cover her private parts. She was also asked if she would be willing to do porn.

Just goes to show that there is one degree of separation between the Hollywood and San Fernando Valley movie crowd/industries. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Weinstein produced porn under pseudonym.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Re-evolution of Mitch McConnell

In throwing out the Senate's extra-Constitutional blue slip procedure in confirming judicial nominees, Mitch McConnell appears to be developing a notochord - not yet a proper backbone but a step in the right direction.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

3 Critical Points In Hillary's Defeat

1. Her statement "What difference at this point does it make?" in her testimony about Benghazi where four Americans were killed including US Ambassador Chris Stevens: let us know she shouldn't be president.
2. Her pronouncement that half the American people are "deplorables": let us know she wouldn't be president.
3. Every moment since Nov 8

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Trump Scoops CNN

Monday CNN reported a breaking, exclusive story: the FBI had tapped the phones of Paul Manafort, the former Trump campaign manager, during the campaign and after the election. Manafort has a residence in Trump Tower. It has also come to light that Trump foreign affairs advisor, Carter Page, was also surveilled. It is a near certainty that Manafort and Page spoke to Trump during the surveillance period. And since almost anyone in the Obama Administration appears to have had the authority to have the identities of individuals who were "inadvertently" surveilled unmasked, Trump was also almost certainly indirectly wiretapped.

Back in March, President Trump claimed that President Obama had his phones tapped during the campaign. As a result of this new revelation, looks like he was probably right. Sorry CNN, Trump scooped this story 6 months ago.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Stop "Fighting For"; Start "Working For"

Is anyone else tired of hearing politicians say they are "fighting for" this, that or some other flippin' thing? How about "working for"? Unless it is a war, fighting isn't very productive and using those terms and having that mentality has to predispose one to being very uncooperative and unlikely to solve anything. BTW: HRC has been "fighting for" x, y, and z since she was at Wellesley. See what I mean?

Saturday, September 9, 2017

The Real Achievement of Trump's Deal with Dems

Much ado is being made over Trump's deal with Schumer and Pelosi but most miss the point. Both the Democrat and Republican establishment have made it clear they oppose President Trump and his agenda on every point. The thing is the money for Houston and extending the debt limit were going to happen any way. Trump gave up nothing.

What he did do was embarrass Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan - hopefully into action. Trump may be laying the groundwork to rid the Republican Party of opposition to him and a bunch of "do nothing" establishment types.

With DACA and now the debt ceiling, Trump has given McConnell and Ryan time (yet again) to get their acts together. If the can't, 2018 and 2020 will be ugly for them. The establishment types, RINOs, and never Trumpers will lose their seats, not to Democrats, but rather Constitutional Conservative Republicans who want to make America great again.

A huge swath of the American people are against the Democrat Leftist ideology and the establishment Republican, liberal Democrat-light, Party ideology. They have caught on to the fact that they are ruining the country. They want smaller but effective government that is less intrusive in their daily lives.

Republican leaders McConnell and Ryan have been given a gift by Trump: time to repent and a choice: either get onboard or get out of the way. They can chose to be productive and help Trump enact the agenda he was elected to carry out or they can chose to continue to whine as they have been doing since 2008 when Obama was first elected. If they chose the latter, I predict Trump will support primary efforts against the internal Republican opposition and gain a true "working" majority in both the House and Senate in 2018 and 2020 along with a second term.

What say you readers?

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Obama's DACA Was Brilliant - Unconstitutional but Brilliant

DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) was a brilliant move by President Obama. Even though he publicly said at least 7 times (it is documented on video) that he legally couldn't do it, he went ahead and eventually did it anyway. It took no effort on his part. He didn't have to expend any political capital. He didn't have to work with Congress or do anything to convince anyone. Since no one was actually being deported anyway, it did nothing to change anyone's life.

What DACA did do was create enormous goodwill for Obama and the Democrats. What it did do was  provide cover for Congress by preventing them from having to take a stand on the issue and possibly suffer the consequences at re-election time. What it did do was create a first step on a path to citizenship for 800,000 illegals and future Democrat voters. What it did do was violate the Constitution and create a situation that has now forced Republicans to do the right thing but end up appearing to be "the bad guys" for following our Constitution.

DACA was brilliant. Brilliant but unconstitutional yet still manages to achieve so many Democrat goals.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Here's a New Immigration Proposal Mr Trump!

I propose the following as part of President Trump's immigration policy: The Citizen Exchange Program. For every foreigner wishing to come to the US to help make it a better place and make a contribution, an America hating US citizen can exchange their citizenship in a one for one swap and then leave. The foreigner gets immediate citizenship; the American renounces theirs. In my opinion that would be a win-win. New citizens who appreciate all America has to offer would get their opportunity for a better life and we could offload a bunch of ingrates.

Do you think any high profile Libs, Hollywood elites, etc would take up the offer? Boy I sure hope so!

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Who or What Will Left Blame for Harvey

Any bets on how soon it will be before the crazies on the Left start to blame Hurricane Harvey on:
1. Climate Change (or whatever they are calling it this week);
2 Trump, or
3. Racism (since Houston has a large African American population)?

I give it a week tops!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

What Happened?

My high school football coach used to say, "Gentlemen, There are 3 kinds of people in the world. People who make things happen.; People who watch things happen and people who say, 'What happened?' Which kind of people will you be?"

Hillary Clinton just release her new book, "What Happened". How fitting. Guess we know which of the 3 she is!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Violence Against Hate Speech Not A Virtue

As reprehensible as the neo-Nazis, the KKK and other right wing hate groups are, violence from left wing radicals is not the solution and is unacceptable.

Freedom of speech is messy because no one controls the content of that speech. However, as Americans we have the God given right to say what we want but we don't have any right to inflict violence on those with whom we disagree or find offensive. Once we stop being a nation of laws, we cease being an exceptional nation.

The calls from the Left to limit free speech in order to stop hate speech are asinine and particularly self-serving because they intend to be the arbiters of what is acceptable speech. You can be sure that if that day ever comes, any opposition to left wing policies, statism or collectivism will be deemed hate speech and be forbidden. America as the "Land of the free and the home of the brave" will be no more. As with the Left's solutions to poverty, prosperity and fairness, their solutions for ending hate speech will do far more harm than good. All Americans should reject their false promises.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Pursuit of the Perfect Will Cost the Republicans

There is a saying, "Don't let the pursuit of the perfect be the enemy of the possible." This is sound advice yet that is exactly what the Republicans are doing when it comes to repealing and replacing Obamacare. Instead of fixing it one piece at a time and making things better, they are fighting amongst themselves and accomplishing absolutely nothing and they will pay a heavy price at the polls in 2018 and 2020. This doesn't mean voters will replace them with Democrats however. No, the hapless, establishment Republicans like Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan will be tossed out on their ears and replaced, not by Democrats (no one is buying what they are selling anymore) but rather by Republicans who will keep their promises.

On Monday McConnell slammed the President for not understanding the legislative "process" and having unrealistic expectations. What McConnell doesn't seem to understand is that like Trump, the people don't give a damn about the process; they want results. With control of the White House, the Senate and the House, the public doesn't believe it is too much to expect the repeal and replacement of a hated and failing Democrat healthcare bill, fixing our borders and stopping illegal immigration, reducing taxes, and passing a budget.

It shouldn't be too much to expect our legislators to keep their promises. If voters can't depend on Democrats or Establishment Republicans to do what they promised and were elected to do, trust me, the people will find someone who will. That is the process Mitch McConnell ought to be concerned about.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

An Unsuccessful Trump vs A Successful Hillary

I predicted that if Trump won the election, all the dire consequences many feared would not come to pass. Not because the fear mongers were wrong about Trump but because his agenda would be blocked at every juncture; by all Democrats and a significant number of "Never Trumper" Republicans. Looks like I was right.

Even if Trump's presidency ultimately end up being a failure, I still believe that an unsuccessful Trump is far better for the country and the world than had Hillary been elected. She would have gotten 100% support from Democrats and the feckless Republicans wouldn't have the backbone to mount even the slightest opposition. Every crazy scheme that she would have cooked up in her head would have become law. She would have been extremely successful - successful at causing great harm to America.

I believe that no government action is far more desirable than bad government action. An unsuccessful Trump is still far better than a successful Hillary.

Opposing views are welcome.

Friday, July 21, 2017

McCain, Baby Charlie Gard and Government Healthcare

The problem with this article is that it completely misses a huge point: Sen McCain and the rest of Congress exempted themselves from the ACA (aka Obamacare) because they, as elitists, have given themselves a "Cadillac" healthcare plan, the likes of which no other American will ever get. If Congress, Dems and Reps, are so dead set on government run healthcare, they and their families should first be forced to give up their special super-duper healthcare and get their care at the VA. Then that mess will get cleaned up and if they can't do that, then maybe they will rethink their approach to healthcare reform. Neither Obamacare nor Trumpcare are going to deliver anything remotely close to the level of care Sen McCain will get. Further, because the prognosis is so poor, it is likely that most govt run healthcare or single payer plans would just provide palliative care because the cost to benefit ratio is so high for treatment. You can call that by any name you like but the bottom line effect is a "death panel". This is the same situation going on currently in the UK with baby Charlie Gard. His care plan is "death with dignity".

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Socialism and The Great Pumpkin

Socialism for liberals is like The Great Pumpkin for Linus. Nothing can shake their belief.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Congress The Only Children Who Get Recess

At a time when most grade school kids no longer get recess, Congress is about to take its August recess even though much of their work (e.g. healthcare reform and the budget) remain unfinished. How appropriate that the only children in America guaranteed recess are our elected officials! Sad. Very sad!

Monday, July 10, 2017

Comey Admitted It - What's to Investigate?

So it has come out that what James Comey leaked to his buddy about President Trump to give to the NYT was classified. That is a felony! I heard a Republican Senator or Congressman say that needs to be investigated! WTF? He admitted it under oath in testimony to Congress! It is a crime. What's to investigate? Send it to a grand jury! Prosecute him and let a jury decide! Same with Hillary. Comey spelled out the violations of the law committed by then Secretary of State Clinton. Does anyone believe that the average citizen would escape prosecution? Public officials need to be held to a higher not lower standard than the average citizen and it's about damn time that starts happening. Comey and Clinton should be the examples!

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Racial Politics Creates Racism

There is a principle in leadership that says if you want someone to do something, make them think it is their idea.

Think about how things have come full circle since the 60's. The Democrat Party was for segregation, the party of the Klan, Jim Crow laws, etc. All that ended for the most part but after 8 years of racial politics under Obama, this year African Americans began demanding white-free zones on campus and Harvard actually had an all black graduation ceremony i.e. segregation! What next? Will they demand their own water fountains and bathrooms and to have their own section in the back of the bus?

Seems like the old time Dems are getting what they wanted after all by making modern African Americans think it's their idea. And Republicans are the racists? Fascinating!

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

6775 Americans A Day Will Die If GOP Healthcare Bill Passes

If the Republican Healthcare Bill passes, 6775 Americans will die per day. That's what Democrats would have you believe and the fact is - it is true! The problem is that's how many Americans die each day anyway.

An example of lying with facts. For other examples, check the NYT, WaPo or CNN on any given day.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Trump is Wrong!

The GOP wins both special elections - GA 6th and SC 5th. Trump is wrong! We aren't getting tired of winning!!!

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Mueller Hires OJ Simpson

Breaking News: Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller hires OJ Simpson for Trump collusion investigation based on his experience finding the real killers of his wife Nichole and her friend Ron Goldman.

I'm kidding of course but it makes as much sense as the list of Democrat donors and discredited investigators Mueller has already selected for his team. How about throwing in a few Bigfoot investigators too. At least they have experience following a trail with some evidence.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Comey's Most Important Character Trait

Comey's testimony yesterday before the Senate Intelligence Committee reinforced his singular, personal character trait: he is very tall. That's it!

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Trump-Russia Collusion Investigation: Irony Defined

The real irony of all this Trump-Russia collusion investigation nonsense is that Trump is suffering the consequences of the crimes committed by Hillary even though he was elected in part because of those crimes while she will get off scott free. Unbelievable! Irony defined.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Are Liberals the New Cats?

When I hear about Liberals and the media chasing after the latest anti-Trump story, why do cats and laser pointers come to mind?

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Trump-Russian Collusion

What is the difference between:
1. UFOs
2. Bigfoot
3. Ancient Astronauts 
4. Atlantis
5. Trump/Russian Collusion?
There is at least some evidence for #s 1-4.

With that in mind, most of what Democrats like Chuck Schumer say is more suited for the 1-2am segment of "Coast to Coast" with George Noory rather than the House floor or the well of the Senate.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Goodbye Speaker Ryan

Once again the House fails to gain consensus on Obamacare replacement and cancelled the vote that was scheduled to be held tomorrow. Ineffective Rep Paul Ryan is not up to the job. He needs to either resign as Speaker of the House or be challenged and defeated.

Sorry Congressman Ryan but nice guys finish last!

Monday, April 10, 2017

The Next Looney Left Conspiracy Theory?

The AP is reporting that Russia knew in advanced about the chemical attack in Syria. Any bets on how long it will take for the looney Left to begin speculating that Trump also knew in advance? After all, he and Putin are BFFs, right?

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Biggest Threat to Element of Suprise

As always, liberals are finding something to complain about following the very decisive, proportional, and successful strike launched by President Trump following Syria's use of chemical weapons against their own citizens.

Previously they complained that Congress wasn't consulted. Now their complaint is that Trump gave the Russians a 1 hour heads-up at 2am - just enough time to have them get their people to safety but not enough time to move aircraft, warn Syria or try to mount a credible defenses. Had he not done this, it could have had grave consequences if Russians were killed in the strike. It is also a fair bet the Dems would have pointed to this as proof of Trump's recklessness and how he will cause WWIII.

Based on recent history, if the Trump Administration had consulted with Congress, it would have been immediately leaked to the media and the whole world would have been given 48 hours advanced warning which is more than enough time to render the strike completely ineffective. The biggest threat to the element of surprise so critical in military operations is subversive elements in our own government.

Next time an operation is required, Trump must consult with Congress prior to taking action. However, knowing that it will be leaked, he should provide false information so that when it is provided to our foes, it will serve the purpose of operational deception and also help catch the traitors in our midst. Two birds; one stone!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Fallout From Nuclear Option Won't Settle Where Dems Think

Any nuclear option will have fallout and the big question is always "Where will it settle?" In forcing the nuclear option in the confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court, the Democrats have miscalculated where the fallout zone will be. Rather than landing on the Republicans and hurting Trump, it will come to rest squarely on them.

In their petulant effort to get even with the Republicans for not allowing Obama'a Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, to come up for a vote, not only will it not prevent Gorsuch from becoming an associate Justice, it will pave the way for potentially three more conservative Trump appointees who might have been effectively opposed had they not caused this new precedent. This was a wasted maneuver over a seat on the bench that would not have changed the balance of the court anyway because conservative Gorsuch will be replacing the late conservative Justice Antonin Scalia.
A much better strategy would have been to oppose the next Trump nominee who will most likely be replacing a retiring liberal Justice Ginsburg which could effect the balance of the court. Further, although it may play well with their far-left base, it is equally likely to shore up Trump's base.

Additionally, because the Supreme Court was such an important topic with Independents as well as Republican in the last election, this latest move by the Democrats, may push the Independents to support Trump and jeopardize the 2018 re-election chances for several more moderate Democrats in states that went for Trump in 2016. This would ultimately give the Republicans even larger majorities in the House and Senate making opposing their agenda even more difficult.

As the saying goes, "When your opponents are busy destroying themselves, don't get in the way."

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Difference Between Trump and Obama Deals

In Obamaland, getting a deal is what's important. You can't walk away - ever. Even if the deal ends up going strongly against you and your objectives, the Obama policy was a bad deal is better than no deal at all. For example the Iranian Nuclear Deal was a really bad deal but Obama did it anyway. That was Trump's big criticism: "We make stupid deals."

By contract, Trump knows "when to fold 'em" and he is willing to walk away from a deal that wasn't shaping up as a good deal. No use wasting more time on it: the "it" being Repeal and Replace Obamacare. Ridding us of Obamacare will take care of itself. It is unsustainable and is imploding anyway.

The effort to repeal and replace was noble but unnecessary. Though most of the attention is being given to the failure of Trump and the Republicans, what is being overlooked is that not a single Democrat voted to try to fix the mess they created - not one. Nor have they proposed any legislation to help fix it.

Why Congress, Democrats and Republicans, continue to insist on "all at once; all or nothing" legislation is baffling to me. Grand schemes can lead to grand successes but most often they end in spectacular failures. The best guarantor of success is a methodical series of well thought out steps. For fixing healthcare, Congress should add provisions to secure our healthcare system such as allowing health insurance to be purchased across state lines, medical savings accounts and medical tort  reform. Then once the general system has a new set of supports, they can knock out the failing pillars supporting the crumbling, burdensome and fatally flawed Obamacare system.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Speaker Paul Ryan's Failed Leadership

If the Obamacare Repeal and Replace effort fails in the House tomorrow, responsibility will rest squarely on the shoulders of Speaker Paul Ryan and he should resign for gross failure of leadership. Period. There is no excuse!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Susan Rice? Are You Shitting Me?

Former UN Ambassador Susan Rice said Trump White House falsehoods undermine confidence in the US. Are you freaking kidding me? This from the woman who went on five Sunday morning talk shows to peddle the Obama Administration's big lie that the attack in Benghazi was the result of a video. Then she continued to lie about it for weeks! Talk about a hypocrite. Talk about a liar. Talk about people with absolutely no sense of irony. As I have said before, these people do not enjoy an adult relationship with the truth nor do they share a connection with reality. Trump is damaging confidence in the US? Are you shitting me?

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

What Did We Learn from Rachel Maddow?.

By now you have undoubtedly heard about the much hyped Trump tax returns that were reported on by Rachel Maddow on her MSNBC show. What we learned from Ms Maddow was that despite being a Stanford grad and Rhode Scholar, she really isn't all that bright. Who looks at 2 pages of a billionaire's tax return and thinks they actually have something? A complete nincompoop that's who. Or perhaps someone so blinded by hatred of President Trump that it clouded her judgment. Has Maddow actually seen a tax return before? Regardless, this is precisely why Trump doesn't want a bunch of idiots looking at his tax returns. It's like giving Kierkegaard to a chimp. Even if he could  read it, he wouldn't understand it.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Pelosi's Expanding Vocabulary

Last June in the heat of the presidential campaign and in the lead up to the FBI's announcement as to whether or not it would recommend indicting Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton for her private email server and failing to properly safeguard classified emails, the then Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, had a private meeting on the tarmac of the Phoenix Airport with Hillary's husband former President Bill Clinton. As Attorney General, Lynch was the boss of FBI Director James Comey - the man making the determination whether to indict or not indict Hillary. This was completely inappropriate and many, myself included, called for Lynch to either resign or at least recuse herself from the decision process. Many but not Rep Nancy Pelosi (D - CA).

A few days later, Director Comey called a press conference where he described a list of potential criminal acts that appeared to have committed by Mrs Clinton but to the amazement of most, he concluded by saying  he was not recommending an indictment based on an incorrect interpretation of the law and because he believed the case wasn't strong enough to get a conviction.

Fast forward 9 month later and Pelosi is demanding that Attorney General Jeff Session recuse himself from the investigation into whether Russia influenced the 2016 presidential campaign because he met with the Russian Ambassador when he was a senator.

Is "recuse" a new word for Speaker Pelosi? Perhaps she got one of those "Word of the Day" calendars in her stocking last Christmas.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

If Trump Caves His Presidency is Toast

As the hour approaches for President Trump's address to Congress, there are already rumors that he will make major concessions on illegal immigration. If that is true it will be his George H. W. Bush, "Read my lips. No new taxes." moment and his presidency is toast.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Mika Brzezinski Doesn't Realize Her Freudian Slip is Showing

The following exchange about Trump bypassing the media by Tweeting took place this morning on
MSNBC's Morning Joe (aka Morning Joke):

Host Joe Scarborough: "Exactly. That is exactly what I hear. What Yamiche said is what I hear from all the Trump supporters that I talk to who were Trump voters and are still Trump supporters. They go, 'Yeah you guys are going crazy. He's doing -- what are you so surprised about? He is doing exactly what he said he is going to do.'"

Co-host Mika Brzezinski : "Well, I think that the dangerous, you know, edges here are that he is trying to undermine the media and trying to make up his own facts. And it could be that while unemployment and the economy worsens, he could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think. And that, that is our job."

This is a pretty stunning admission from someone who is billed as a "journalist" and her sidekick nodded in agreement. They apparently didn't recognize their Freudian slip that revealed what they really think.

Sorry Mika and Joe. Controlling what people think isn't your job anymore than it is President Trump's!

How about everyone going back to reporting the news and telling the truth? Just a thought!

Trump's Sweden Comment Can Only Mean One Thing

The media has been buzzing over Trump's comment at his rally in Melbourne, Fl about an incident the previous night in Sweden. There was no incident. They conclude that he intentionally tried to mislead the crowd. Then the following night there were riots in Muslim neighborhoods and they concluded that it was due to Trump's comment. However, I think they are missing an even more obvious conclusion: President Donald Trump is capable of time travel.

When one jumps around in time, it is easy to get days confused so that last night might actually be tomorrow night. Trump seemingly predicts the future but if he had visited two days in the future, it would actually have been last night to him. Further, Trump never seems to sleep but my theory is he gets all his sleep in either the past or future but not in the present. Lastly, there were other riots in Muslim neighborhoods in the suburbs surrounding Stockholm: 2010, 2013, and 2014. Since the media asserts that Muslim riots in Sweden are the results of the actions by Trump, then the only logical explanation is that he went back in time and made some sort of inflammatory remark that touched off the riots.
Farfeched? Sure it is but it isn't any more so than the crazy things the lying media throws out there!

Monday, February 20, 2017

Trump Administrative Chaos

The reports of chaos in the Trump Administration by the Democrats, the mainstream media, and "Never Trump" Republicans reminds me of a cartoon I saw when I was a kid. A mischievous boy drops a cat into a dog show and you can imagine what happens. As the cat darts to and fro trying to achieve its goal - getting the heck outta there - chaos erupts as the dogs react to the cat in their midst.

The Trump Administration is like that cat. It isn't the one in chaos. It is its surroundings that are in chaos. Like the cat, Trump is doing what he needs to do. It is the others around him - the establishment i.e. "the dogs" - who are in complete disarray because they don't know what to do with an opponent that doesn't play by their rules.

Who is the boy in this example you might ask? The boys is the voters who sent Trump to Washington to shake things up. It's all a matter of perspective and point of view.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

The Problem with Climate Science: The Models

There is a saying in science and engineering, "All models are wrong but some are useful." For example, if one creates a mathematical model to represent some phenomenon based on data, one usually finds the "best fit" equation. Rarely will any data point actually fall on the line or curve of the equation, so the model is wrong. However, using the model can be useful to help predict behavior within a degree of error as long as one stays within its useful range. For example, I could write an equation that matches the data for housing prices for say the time period from 1990 to 2000 and that equation would be useful to predict housing prices for 2004. But try to use it for 2005 and it would not be useful at all - remember the pop of the housing bubble? One could also use the model to estimate the price of a house (+ or - some degree of error; perhaps $3000 for example) in the past; again as long as one stays within the applicable range.

The problem with climate science is that it is based on models that haven't demonstrated any predictive value. Their predictions for the future - even near-term - have not proven to be accurate. Further, they should be able to estimate such things as past warming and cooling periods but they don't.

"All models are wrong but some are useful." Unfortunately, climate models aren't useful. Basing "settled science" on them is anything but scientific.

Friday, February 10, 2017

More On Alternative Facts

In a previous post regarding "alternative facts", I posed the question: "Ever wonder why before testifying in court, one is asked, 'Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth...?' "
I go on to further explain this can be interpreted as:
"The truth - don't lie!
The whole truth - don't withhold any part of the truth!
Nothing but the truth - no opinions; just facts!"

This week we were treated to yet another example of alternative facts. It occurred when Sen Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) was ordered to take her seat during the confirmation hearing for Sen Sessions for Attorney General. Sen Warren was making disparaging remarks against a fellow sitting senator which is a violation of Senate Rule 19. She was warned but persisted. She tried to justify her remarks by noting she was reading a letter by the widow of Dr Martin Luther King, Coretta Scott King. Here again a Leftist lies by violating the second attribute of truthfulness: tell the whole truth. Warren committed a lie by omission. The details Sen Warren conveniently left out (the alternative facts) are that Ms King's letter was written around the time (1986) Jeff Sessions was being considered for appointment as a federal judge. Based on the testimony of colleagues that he was a racist which have since been discredited, Sessions was denied his seat on the bench. Furthermore, his subsequent service as Alabama Attorney General and a US Senator have proven him to be anything but a racist and actually a strong supporter of minority rights.

Once again liberals omit relevant facts in an attempt to discredit a conservative. The inclusion of the alternative facts help paint the complete picture and ultimately remove any doubt that the Senate made the right decision in confirming Jeff Sessions as the 84th Attorney General of the United States.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

You Learn Something New Every Day

Hundreds of high tech companies from Silicon Valley, the Seattle area and Minnesota filed a suit to block Trump's Executive Order temporarily banning Immigration from 7 predominantly Muslim countries (Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Libya, Sudan, and Somalia) claiming, in part, that it is "a significant departure from the principles of fairness and predictability that have governed the immigration system of the United States for more than fifty years," and "The Order makes it more difficult and expensive for U.S. companies to recruit, hire, and retain some of the world’s best employees. It disrupts ongoing business operations. And it threatens companies’ ability to attract talent, business, and investment to the United States."

Just to be clear we are talking about Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Libya, Sudan, and Somalia here.
I had no idea what fertile ground these countries are for recruiting high tech employees and as a source of investment capital.

Chalk this one up to "You learn something new every day."

What a steaming crock of excrement!

Sunday, February 5, 2017

The Truth About Alternative Facts

When Kellyanne Conway introduced the world to the term "alternative facts", the Left immediately began equating that to lies. There is just one problem. By doing that, they are continuing in their own deception.

Ever wonder why before testifying in court, one is asked, "Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth...?"
The truth - don't lie!
The whole truth - don't withhold any part of the truth!
Nothing but the truth - no opinions; just facts!

It is the second part that causes all the problems. As standard operating procedure, the Left and their lap dogs in the media conveniently leave out facts that contradict their world view. In this whole controversy, that is where the lie really resides.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Regarding Gorsuch

Judge Neil Gorsuch from the 10th Circuit of the US Court of Appeals was nominated this evening by President Trump to the US Supreme Court. He was unanimous confirmed by the Senate for his current position. Despite this, he will be fiercely opposed by Senate Democrats and he is already being called "way outside the mainstream of legal thought" and as having "extreme views" by the likes of Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY).

My questions are:
Senator, are you lying now when you say he is unfit or were you lying then when you said he was because you can't have it both ways?
Is there new information or did you just fail to do the proper "Due Diligence" before giving Gorsuch your approval back in 2006?

Pardon me Senator, I didn't catch that. Would you mumble your response again, please?

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Booker, Richards and Eichmann

Cory Booker with his arm around Cecile Richards at the Women's March in 2017 praising Planned Parenthood for providing "health services" to women is like a Polish Jew with his arm around Adolf Eichmann in 1945 praising him for providing housing to Jews.