In a previous post regarding "alternative facts", I posed the question: "Ever wonder why before testifying in court, one is asked, 'Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth...?' "
I go on to further explain this can be interpreted as:
"The truth - don't lie!
The whole truth - don't withhold any part of the truth!
Nothing but the truth - no opinions; just facts!"
This week we were treated to yet another example of alternative facts. It occurred when Sen Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) was ordered to take her seat during the confirmation hearing for Sen Sessions for Attorney General. Sen Warren was making disparaging remarks against a fellow sitting senator which is a violation of Senate Rule 19. She was warned but persisted. She tried to justify her remarks by noting she was reading a letter by the widow of Dr Martin Luther King, Coretta Scott King. Here again a Leftist lies by violating the second attribute of truthfulness: tell the whole truth. Warren committed a lie by omission. The details Sen Warren conveniently left out (the alternative facts) are that Ms King's letter was written around the time (1986) Jeff Sessions was being considered for appointment as a federal judge. Based on the testimony of colleagues that he was a racist which have since been discredited, Sessions was denied his seat on the bench. Furthermore, his subsequent service as Alabama Attorney General and a US Senator have proven him to be anything but a racist and actually a strong supporter of minority rights.
Once again liberals omit relevant facts in an attempt to discredit a conservative. The inclusion of the alternative facts help paint the complete picture and ultimately remove any doubt that the Senate made the right decision in confirming Jeff Sessions as the 84th Attorney General of the United States.
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