Thursday, July 27, 2017

An Unsuccessful Trump vs A Successful Hillary

I predicted that if Trump won the election, all the dire consequences many feared would not come to pass. Not because the fear mongers were wrong about Trump but because his agenda would be blocked at every juncture; by all Democrats and a significant number of "Never Trumper" Republicans. Looks like I was right.

Even if Trump's presidency ultimately end up being a failure, I still believe that an unsuccessful Trump is far better for the country and the world than had Hillary been elected. She would have gotten 100% support from Democrats and the feckless Republicans wouldn't have the backbone to mount even the slightest opposition. Every crazy scheme that she would have cooked up in her head would have become law. She would have been extremely successful - successful at causing great harm to America.

I believe that no government action is far more desirable than bad government action. An unsuccessful Trump is still far better than a successful Hillary.

Opposing views are welcome.

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