Sunday, August 20, 2017

Violence Against Hate Speech Not A Virtue

As reprehensible as the neo-Nazis, the KKK and other right wing hate groups are, violence from left wing radicals is not the solution and is unacceptable.

Freedom of speech is messy because no one controls the content of that speech. However, as Americans we have the God given right to say what we want but we don't have any right to inflict violence on those with whom we disagree or find offensive. Once we stop being a nation of laws, we cease being an exceptional nation.

The calls from the Left to limit free speech in order to stop hate speech are asinine and particularly self-serving because they intend to be the arbiters of what is acceptable speech. You can be sure that if that day ever comes, any opposition to left wing policies, statism or collectivism will be deemed hate speech and be forbidden. America as the "Land of the free and the home of the brave" will be no more. As with the Left's solutions to poverty, prosperity and fairness, their solutions for ending hate speech will do far more harm than good. All Americans should reject their false promises.

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