Thursday, September 21, 2017

3 Critical Points In Hillary's Defeat

1. Her statement "What difference at this point does it make?" in her testimony about Benghazi where four Americans were killed including US Ambassador Chris Stevens: let us know she shouldn't be president.
2. Her pronouncement that half the American people are "deplorables": let us know she wouldn't be president.
3. Every moment since Nov 8


  1. A full transcript of the interview that contains the statement you quote can be found here.

    She is making the point that our immediate concern is not the mindset of the killers. 1st priority is is the victims, 2nd is bringing the killers to justice. Way 3rd is why they did it.

    Her "basket of deplorables" statement was certainly impolitic, but certainly not disqualifying. Mr. Trump was practically elected BECAUSE of impolitic statements.

  2. She said both out of frustration. With regard to Benghazi, she lied to the victims' families and the country which caused great distress, anguish and distrust. It also delayed the hunt for the perpetrators. Her unwillingness to admit any amount of responsibility on her current "blame game" book tour just cements the fact that she isn't presidential material.

  3. Her comment of "what difference..." Was given to her to try and deflect her incompetence. She knew the question was coming, so she didn't answer Senator Johnson's question. And, her recent behavior, absolving her husband of being a "sexual predator" because it had been "litigated" is nothing but more lies and dishonesty on her part. She is nothing but a washed-up grifter who is trying to find multiple sources of funds to keep her lavish and selfish lifestyle going, since she can't run her personal expenses through her Foundation, which has been called "‘The Largest Unprosecuted Charity Fraud Ever Attempted’.
