Friday, July 21, 2017

McCain, Baby Charlie Gard and Government Healthcare

The problem with this article is that it completely misses a huge point: Sen McCain and the rest of Congress exempted themselves from the ACA (aka Obamacare) because they, as elitists, have given themselves a "Cadillac" healthcare plan, the likes of which no other American will ever get. If Congress, Dems and Reps, are so dead set on government run healthcare, they and their families should first be forced to give up their special super-duper healthcare and get their care at the VA. Then that mess will get cleaned up and if they can't do that, then maybe they will rethink their approach to healthcare reform. Neither Obamacare nor Trumpcare are going to deliver anything remotely close to the level of care Sen McCain will get. Further, because the prognosis is so poor, it is likely that most govt run healthcare or single payer plans would just provide palliative care because the cost to benefit ratio is so high for treatment. You can call that by any name you like but the bottom line effect is a "death panel". This is the same situation going on currently in the UK with baby Charlie Gard. His care plan is "death with dignity".

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