Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Megyn Kelly to Show Her True Stripes?

NBC announced today that Megyn Kelly will be joining their organization upon leaving Fox News. What remains to be seen is whether she will pull an "Alisyn Camerota" and take a hard turn to the left or maintain a conservative bent. I have detected a somewhat shift in her positions since her Trump interview. Whether she will reveal her true stripes as just another lefty news reader for the Democrat Party or if she will be pressured to move left remains to be seen. If they are at all interested in their market share, it would be wise for NBC to allow her to help bring the network back into balance and
perhaps regain its viewership which has been dwindling for the last several years. The path Kelly's career takes will be a strong indicator as to whether the MSM is concerned with returning to real journalism and relevance or adhering to its ideology and continuing its slide into oblivion.

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