Saturday, January 21, 2017

Character in Victory and Defeat

It's been said how one handles victory and defeat is very revealing of one's character. "Be humble in victory and gracious in defeat."

Over the last eight years and 2 months, the Democrats and the left have done neither. From Obama's "We won; you lost" to Republicans shortly after taking office to the current daily protests of President Trump and attempts to delegitimize him even before he was inaugurated, the left has truly shown us who they are: petulant children.

Thank God grown ups are back in charge! Don't disappoint us Mr Trump. The adult half of the nation is counting on you!


  1. What strikes me is the behavior of the left after this election. The vitriol and behavior of a good portion of these people is their "entitlement" and now their world is crumbling and falling apart. They couldn't see what they, the Democrats and the president were doing to the country. And they have no Comey, Putin, the Russian, Julian Assange-Wikileaks and everything else under the sun to blame, except for a poorly run campaign by a failed, has been. Never mind the Saudi's' funded 20% of her campaign, and the countries that gave her Clinton Global Looting Initiative funds are the same people that do not allow women to have any rights and stone gays to death. How ironic.

    1. Great points Tim. Despite all her experience, smarts, blah, blah, blah, an overly confident Hillary Clinton under estimated her opponent, was lazy and ran a poorly strategize campaign. She just plain blew it. Again. The syncophantic media's biased coverage reinforced HRC's delusion of inevitability and probably convinced supporters in critical states that they didn't need to turn out. It was a perfect storm of screw ups and it cost them the election.
