Thursday, January 28, 2016

Freedom to Choose: The Invalid Argument for NOT Indicting Hillary

The argument goes something like this. When FBI Director, James Comey, delivers the results of the investigation into then Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton's handling of classified emails, the recommendation will be to refer the case to a grand jury to consider indictment. However, because an indictment of Hillary would so disrupt the Democrat primary process, essentially taking away the Democrat's front-runner and denying them of their first choice for their presidential candidate, Attorney General Loretta Lynch will refuse to pursue the case. I call this the "Freedom to Choose" rationale. Politically, Lynch thinks President Hillary is more important than equal justice for all.

From its website ( this is the mission of the Department of Justice:

Our Mission Statement

To enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans.

I don't see where it is the job of the Department of Justice or Attorney General Loretta Lynch to ensure "choice" for Democrat voters. She needs to enforce the law - Period.

Lynch needs to focus her attention on the last line of her department's mission statement:

" ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans." which includes Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Do the right thing!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

More Wisdom from Will Rogers...and Bernie Sanders

Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.

          - Will Rogers

Apparently, when it comes to Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders agrees. He recently said something to the effect that Hillary's great experience doesn't mean she has good judgement. I've been pointing this out for years. 

When one starts out, gaining experience as a results of bad judgement dominates the process. As time goes on however, experience should come from learning from one's mistakes, by applying good judgement and seeing the benefit of making good decisions. 

After years in the public eye and on the political stage, Hillary should fall into the latter phase of experience but unfortunately, we saw from her tenure as Secretary of State that wasn't the case.
We can't afford more On-the-Job judgement training and experience gathering in the White House. That is what Hillary will bring if elected president.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

What? A School Shooting in Canada? Must America's Fault

So how could this happen? A school shooting in Sasketchewan, Canada that has left four dead. What about all the strict gun laws? I guess once again the murderous "perp" didn't get the memo that guns aren't allowed especially at a school.

Well it's only about a 13 hour drive from Montana, so it is only a matter of time before the "Blame America First" crowd starts claiming this is carryover from the U.S. and America and its gun culture is somehow to blame.

Still my thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the dead and wounded.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Different Justice: Petraeus vs Clinton?

It has been reported in the media that the DoD is considering demoting General David Petraeus for providing secret information to his biographer and mistress, Paula Broadwell. Meanwhile, an IG report revealed Hillary Clinton's unsecured email server contained 1000s of email classified as Special Access Programs - far more sensitive than secret. The information leaked by Petraeus was never released to the public. We have no way of knowing who may have gained access to the unprotected classified material on Hillary's server.

It is very likely that even if the FBI recommends indicting Clinton, the Obama Justice Department won't prosecute her. Equal justice? Well time will tell but the prospects don't look good.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

O'Malley: The Most Savvy Dem Primary Candidate?

The conventional wisdom so far has been that former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley has no path to the White House let alone the Democrat nomination. He barely registers in the polls and even many Marylanders would have a difficult time picking him out of a police lineup. Things are changing however.

There is a real possibility that Hillary Clinton may be indicted for failing to properly protect classified information which would make it impossible for her to be the Democrat nominee. The next in line, Senator Bernie Sanders, though polling well, is not electable. Americans will not elect a socialist as president. The longer the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton takes, the less likely another   Democrat such as Joe Biden (there is also talk about former NYC mayor Mike Bloomberg entering the race. James Webb is another possibility since he has already filed the paperwork. He would just have to restart his campaign) will be able to enter the race. Suddenly O'Malley has a real path - like a running back following a huge blocking fullback.

If O'Malley saw this scenario developing in his head, that makes him one savvy politician.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Misplaced Faith

I find it very curious and difficult to fathom how some on the left have such a problem with religion, especially Christianity. Seems they just can't stand to be told what to do by an omnipotent Supreme Being that they don't have any faith in but don't seem to mind being told what to do by 535 lying, cheating, stealing, pompous humans in DC that only 13% (their approval rating) of Americans have any faith in. I find that curious indeed!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Rediscovering the Wit and Wisdom of Will Rogers

I was talking with my sons the other day about wise sayings and interesting quotes. My youngest son cited a quote by Mark Twain, "Never put off till tomorrow what my be done day after tomorrow just as well." That got me thinking of interesting quotes and bits of wisdom from other Americans. One of my favorites is Will Rogers.

I plan to occasionally share some of his sayings in this blog in the future and maybe discuss their relevance today.

I'll start with these two:

"Be thankful we're not getting all the government we're paying for."

"I am not a member of any organized party - I am a Democrat."

Would Rogers even be welcome in today's Democrat party?

Share your thoughts or other Rogers quotes you like.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Really, Bernie? ATM Fees?

While I can understand the populist appeal to saying ATM fees are too high, how can this be a presidential level issue? And yet, Bernie Sanders devoted time to this issue on the campaign trail. In order to not be bested by Sanders, Hillary Clinton weighed in to demonstrate her own economic illiteracy.

At an average of $4 per transaction, ATM fees amount to only about $208 a year assuming one withdraws their weekly spending money from an ATM. That's $4/wk x 52 wks/yr = $208 for the math challenged. Everyone dislikes paying ATM fees but with all the other issues we have in this country, how does this warrant even a nano second of their or the country's time? Sanders promises to reduce ATM fees to $2 per transaction. Based on what? His personal belief of what is fair?

Is that really what we want a president to concern himself or herself over? Something of so little consequence? I certainly hope not!