Friday, January 8, 2016

Really, Bernie? ATM Fees?

While I can understand the populist appeal to saying ATM fees are too high, how can this be a presidential level issue? And yet, Bernie Sanders devoted time to this issue on the campaign trail. In order to not be bested by Sanders, Hillary Clinton weighed in to demonstrate her own economic illiteracy.

At an average of $4 per transaction, ATM fees amount to only about $208 a year assuming one withdraws their weekly spending money from an ATM. That's $4/wk x 52 wks/yr = $208 for the math challenged. Everyone dislikes paying ATM fees but with all the other issues we have in this country, how does this warrant even a nano second of their or the country's time? Sanders promises to reduce ATM fees to $2 per transaction. Based on what? His personal belief of what is fair?

Is that really what we want a president to concern himself or herself over? Something of so little consequence? I certainly hope not!

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