Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Praise For Castro Speaks Volumes

Last Friday, Cuban dictator, Fidel Castro died at the age of 90 after more than fifty years of brutal, murderous rule. Despite his executing or imprisoning thousands of his own citizens and spreading terrorism and revolution throughout the world, amazingly liberals have managed to find reasons to heap praise on this monster. They point to Cuba's universal healthcare and education system as reason to celebrate Castro's life and leadership. They cite the fact that Castro gave every family in the country a free rice cooker but the fact that they didn't have any rice to put in it somehow escaped their notice.This is obscene and demonstrates just how perverted the left's world view is. This ability to so completely distort reality firmly establishes American progressives as the master contortionist of the political circus and says far more about them than it does about Castro himself. They should be ashamed of themselves.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Progressive Language Engineers Hard at Work

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, there are some 171,476 words currently in use in the English language Apparently, that just isn't enough for progressives to sufficiently disparage conservatives and conservatism so they have to turn to language engineers. What is a language engineer you may ask? A language engineer is a liberal who creates new words or terms which they get to define and then use against conservatives, individual liberty, market economics and traditional American values in order to push their socialist agenda. Language engineering is a branch of social engineering. It often borrows and combines real terms from law, science, technology and other disciplines in order to lend credibility to their made up terms. Some examples of terms created by language engineering are social justice, environmental justice, anthropomorphic climate change, white privilege, micro-aggression and most recently alt-right. Technically, progressives didn't coin the term alt-right but they quickly co-opted it and have started using it to unfairly associate those with whom they disagree with racism, anti-Semitism, and white nationalism.

Language engineering is dangerous because, like political correctness, it deflects from the real issues and inhibits free speech. It is incumbent upon all thinking Americans to reject engineered terms and not further perpetuate them by using them. By doing so, we can force progressives to argue their ideas based on the merits; something they hate to do because they lose.

Friday, November 11, 2016

On Micro-aggression

How are students who can't deal with micro-aggression in college, going to survive in a real-world full of macro-aggression?

Our universities are not preparing our young people for life.

Misplaced Election Anger

Americans who hoped for a President Hillary are understandably upset and angry. For months they were told that she would win, Trump had no path to the White House, and that in the electoral vote, it wouldn't even be close, only to see just the opposite result. To have their hopes built up so dramatically and then have them dashed would certainly make almost anyone angry. However, for Hillary supporters, anger directed at President-elect Trump, Republicans, Trump supporters, James Comey or the Russians is misplaced. You were lied to by the mainstream media pure and simple.

Whether it was the result of a deliberate attempt to affect the election by demoralizing those opposed to Hillary and keep them away from the polls or by greatly over reporting negative items on Trump (by one count 19 negative Trump items to 1 negative Hillary item on the front page of NYT on a single day!) or by relying on polls that over sampled Democrats, or perhaps (I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt) they just fell victim to listening to the sounds from inside their own echo chamber, the end result may have actually been the exact opposite. It just may have screwed over more than 60 million of their fellow Americans and left a great many completely distraught. Voters from every point of the political spectrum should focus their ire at the dishonest and corrupt main stream media for their journalistic malfeasance. Let's punish them in the worst possible way - by ignoring them.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Liberal Reaction to the Election

You've seen the crying. You've seen the rants. Colleges are canceling exams, offering therapy dogs and places for students to play with Play-Doh and clay to help them deal with their emotions - I'm not joking. Now we are seeing protests and riots. Some are calling for real violence.

Folks, this is why these people can't be trusted to lead. Their emotions make them irrational!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Day After: Return of the Prodigal Sons (and Daughters)

Now that the 2016 election is over and Donald Trump is the president-elect, the long parade of "Never Trumpers", Republican establishment types, and RINOs are slinking back home like the "Prodigal Son." Hopefully for them, Mr. Trump will be as magnanimous as the father in Christ's parable.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Crime is Our Business

The modern Democrat Party's motto should be: Crime is our business and business is good.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

A President Hillary Clinton Would Bring The Best Policies...

money can buy. American, foreign, US ally, US enemy, business, political, makes no difference. The highest bidder wins - The Clintons. America loses.

It's just that simple.

Friday, November 4, 2016

The Presidency Magnifies You

Campaigning for Hillary in North Carolina earlier today, President Obama said Trump would be dangerous as president because the presidency magnifies you; meaning it would make Trump even more outrageous. If that is the case, it would transform Hillary from major criminal to Marvel Comic super villain.

Democrat Lack of Personal Situational Awareness

I find the lack of personal situational awareness of Democrats astonishing. It really makes one wonder when the POTUS and now Huma Abedin find out about stuff first from the news. How disconnected to their own lives and responsibilities! What a lack of situational awareness! In comparison, these people make Howard Hughes in his final days, living in a darkened hotel suite in Vegas seem downright plugged in!