Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Praise For Castro Speaks Volumes

Last Friday, Cuban dictator, Fidel Castro died at the age of 90 after more than fifty years of brutal, murderous rule. Despite his executing or imprisoning thousands of his own citizens and spreading terrorism and revolution throughout the world, amazingly liberals have managed to find reasons to heap praise on this monster. They point to Cuba's universal healthcare and education system as reason to celebrate Castro's life and leadership. They cite the fact that Castro gave every family in the country a free rice cooker but the fact that they didn't have any rice to put in it somehow escaped their notice.This is obscene and demonstrates just how perverted the left's world view is. This ability to so completely distort reality firmly establishes American progressives as the master contortionist of the political circus and says far more about them than it does about Castro himself. They should be ashamed of themselves.

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