Friday, November 11, 2016

Misplaced Election Anger

Americans who hoped for a President Hillary are understandably upset and angry. For months they were told that she would win, Trump had no path to the White House, and that in the electoral vote, it wouldn't even be close, only to see just the opposite result. To have their hopes built up so dramatically and then have them dashed would certainly make almost anyone angry. However, for Hillary supporters, anger directed at President-elect Trump, Republicans, Trump supporters, James Comey or the Russians is misplaced. You were lied to by the mainstream media pure and simple.

Whether it was the result of a deliberate attempt to affect the election by demoralizing those opposed to Hillary and keep them away from the polls or by greatly over reporting negative items on Trump (by one count 19 negative Trump items to 1 negative Hillary item on the front page of NYT on a single day!) or by relying on polls that over sampled Democrats, or perhaps (I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt) they just fell victim to listening to the sounds from inside their own echo chamber, the end result may have actually been the exact opposite. It just may have screwed over more than 60 million of their fellow Americans and left a great many completely distraught. Voters from every point of the political spectrum should focus their ire at the dishonest and corrupt main stream media for their journalistic malfeasance. Let's punish them in the worst possible way - by ignoring them.

1 comment:

  1. Epilogue: NYT publisher, Art Sultzberger, posted a letter in the Times vowing to rededicate itself to honest reporting and pleaded with subscribers to stay with them. I think it is fair to say I called this pretty close!
