Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Truth Doesn't Need Embellishment

Or eight second pauses for dramatic for that matter. This is just another example (almost daily) of our shameful media and its so-called "journalists" lying and using deception to promote their political views. The truth can stand on its own. It doesn't need your help Ms. Couric. The editing of your story to add a "beat" is deceptive; the equivalent of a lie. I'm sure your parents taught you better. Shame on you!

For those of you that don't know to what I am referring, please check out the link below from CNN - not some right-wing conservative source.


I'm beginning to think "no freedom of the press (media) is better than a dishonest one!


  1. She's not a journalist in 2016. Maybe about 30 years ago, but she is a shill for the Democratic party and the progressive movement. And she can't even tell the truth, when it comes to other issues. I'm sure she had editorial control over the content and thought that no one would know. Deception and lying through doctored videos, like Andrea Mitchell and Rachel Maddow....are what these people do. Pathetic. Couric has no credibility....

    1. I agree Tim. The last thing she did that I kinda admired was when she had her colonoscopy filmed to raise awareness for early detection of colon cancer. I have since come to realize they weren't looking for polyps, they were searching for her head.
