Thursday, May 26, 2016

Don't Fear Convention of the States - It is Time!

Article V of our Constitution prescribes two methods to add amendments. The first - most familiar method - is where two thirds of both Houses of Congress propose amendments. The second method which has never been used is a convention of the States. Unfamiliarity with this second method has created much trepidation and opposition to it ever being used. It is incorrectly believed that a Convention of the States would result is a complete rewrite of the Constitution. This fear is unfounded because this method is only to propose amendments not draft an entirely new document. Further, just as with the first method, any proposed changes would require approval by three fourths of the States. These safeguards were put in place to prevent a runaway of the process.

Virginia delegate George Mason proposed and argued for the second method for amending the Constitution as a safeguard against tyranny. He envisioned a time when Congress could not be relied upon to regulate itself. Two issues, term limits and balancing the budget, are perfect examples of his concerns and constitute a form of soft tyranny emanating from Congress.

A January 2013 Gallop poll showed 75% of Americans favor term limits on Congress and other polls show as high as 85% of Americans believe there should be an amendment requiring a balanced Federal budget. These are things the citizenry wants but will never be proposed by Congress because it would diminish its power. The only way to get these and many other needed reforms such as overturning the 17th Amendment and returning the selection of Senstors to State legislatures, is through the convention of the States process. It is time. We shouldn't fear this process. It was specifically designed to protect the States and ultimately the individual citizens from an out of control Congress and it is the last, best hope for saving the nation. We need this now!

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