Thursday, May 5, 2016

Carnivore Picks for Trump Cabinet

VP - Rubio or Kasich (to bring FL or OH)
Sec State - former UN Ambassador John Bolton
Sec Def - Former US Senator and Sec Nav James Webb
Attorney Gen - Rudy Gulliani or Chris Christie
Tres Sec - another successful (non-banker) business person
Sec HHS (or Surgeon Gen) - Dr Ben Carson
Sec Ed - no one b/c he should get rid of the dept
Energy Sec - a retired Navy Nuc flag officer - if not energy independent by end of 1st term, get rid of the department
1st Supreme Court pick - Ted Cruz or whoever not picked for AG


  1. Charles FrederickMay 6, 2016 at 9:24 AM

    You could add Ambassador to Poland: Charles Frderick

  2. Exactly....and Charles Frederick for Ambassador to Poland!
