Sunday, March 20, 2016

Thanks for Nothin' Lindsey!

On Thursday, Sen. Lindsey Graham announced he was supporting and fundraising for Sen. Ted Cruz for the Republican nomination for president but admitted he preferred Marco Rubio who suspended his campaign following his disappointing performance in Tuesday's primaries. Well thanks for nothing Lindsey! Not only is this a half-hearted endorsement for Cruz but it is quite ironic since it was his influence over Rubio that helped sidetrack if not completely derail Marco's political future. As a junior Senator, Rubio joined Graham as a member of the comprehensive immigration reform (CIR) group that has come to be known as the Gang of Eight. This group also included Arizona Sen. John  McCain (R) and ultra liberal senators Durbin (D-IL) and Schumer (D-NY). Rubio's membership in this group infuriated his supporter who back him in large part because he campaigned for his senate seat on a strong anti-illegal immigration stance not a "path to citizenship" position proposed by the Gang of Eight. This change of position plagued Rubio's bid for the Republican presidential nomination to the point that his campaign was never able to gain any traction.

The decision to flip on his stance on immigration was Rubio's responsibility alone but as a senior senator, Graham could have been a better mentor to the young, impressionable and perhaps naïve Marco. Maybe then Lindsey wouldn't have to make his apparently unpalatable decision to back Cruz and the rest of us might still have another good choice for the Republican nomination.

Again, Thanks for nothing Lindsey!

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