Thursday, June 19, 2014

A Few Thoughts on Sgt Bergdahl Situation

1. As a policy, the US military doesn't try to apprehend AWOL service members or those who desert yet we tried to find Bergdahl who seemingly was either a deserter or AWOL - there is a disconnect here. 2. With all the evidence that he willingly left his post, the news media compulsively questions the honor of the soldiers who did their duty but who are critical of Bergdahl. They also speculate about the leadership of Bergdahl's commanders without any hint of there being a problem. 3. Susan Rice says Bergdahl served with honor and distinction. Really? He left his guard duty post endangering his fellow soldiers. He willingly sought out the enemy. The enemy's effectiveness suddenly increased after Bergdahl disappeared. Coincidence? Maybe. Who did he served with honor and distinction? Certainly not the US! 4. Two of the Taliban prisoner released were accused of crimes against humanity by the UN for killing thousands of people. Do you think the media would let a Republican president get away with that? 5. If Osama bin Laden had been taken to GITMO rather that turned into fish food, would the Obama administration have traded him as one of those returned for Bergdahl? Think about it. Honestly think about it you liberals out there!!! 6. This administration couldn't even track the guns they illegally sold to Mexican drug cartels in the Fast and Furious fiasco. Do you really think they can track those 5 released terrorists? 7. The Taliban immediately released a statement saying they would make abducting Americans to use as bargaining chips for other prisoners a priority. Surprise!!!! 8. The story about why the trade was made, in typical Obama administration fashion, seemed to change every other minute. All parents recognize this as an indication of lying. These are just a few thoughts. I could go one but why bother. This scandal has already been replaced by another.

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