So according to the Left, the current border crisis is the result of the poverty, drugs, and gang violence in Honduras and Guatemala. Things are so bad that parents are willing to spend thousands of dollars to have coyotes (human traffickers) take their children unaccompanied, hundreds of miles, across dangerous terrain, on the top of the "Death Train" where they are dumped off by themselves on our southern border. So why aren't the parents from south Chicago loading up their kids and sending them to safety? Do Honduran parents love their children more than the parents in south Chicago? Are Guatemalan parents smarter than Chicagoan parents? Maybe the parents of kids from south Chicago should load up a bus with their children and send them to let's say Bethesda, MD and then have them just dumped off. They could create a crisis there and demand the good, caring residents of Bethesda house, clothe, and feed their kids. Or maybe they could send them to Honduras or Guatemala. I'd be willing to bet there was less murder and mayhem there last weekend than on the South Side!
Your thoughts are invited.
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