Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Democrat Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton in 2016 is a GOP Dream!

I don’t care how brilliant you may think she is. Or how qualified you might consider her to be. You can claim she has had many successes as First Lady, US Senator, and Secretary of State – the mountain of evidence to the contrary. It is hard to deny that Hillary is the darling of the liberal media and they are already hard at work trying to rehabilitate her tarnished image following the Benghazi scandal. They would love to have her as the Democrat Presidential nominee for 2016 and so would I! This woman is lugging around more baggage than a skycap at BWI but listing her numerous disasters as a public servant, her involvement in countless personal and professional scandals, and her significant list of non-accomplishment won’t be enough to keep her from being elected our next president. No, there are enough low information voters in New York and California, dead people in Chicago, non-Ohio resident voters in Ohio and illegal aliens … well everywhere else to steal the election for her. But to them and anyone else who might consider voting for her, I offer the following. If you are a mother or father, brother, sister, friend or neighbor to anyone, would you really want someone who could say this about somebody else’s loved ones to be your next president?
If I was Chairman of the Republican National Committee in the run-up to the 2016 election, this would be my ad campaign against Hillary and I’d pay to have it run on a continuous loop! If she still managed to get elected, then America is in far worse shape then even I imagined.

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1 comment:

  1. Folks, let me know what you think. Whether you agree or disagree with me, I'm interested in what you have to say. Come on! Let her rip!
