Wednesday, September 5, 2012

What I Learned From Last Night's Democrat Convention Speeches

Last night's speeches were very enlightening for me. Who knew the liberals/Democrats loved the Troops and small business? I guess I must have missed that amongst all the crapping they were doing on these 2 groups in particular over the last 12 years. Oh and God. The Dems were God Blessing everyone and everything and even quoting Scripture. You'd think they were "crazy" Evangelicals. Meanwhile, behind the scenes they were eliminating the last references to God in their 2012 platform. Then they were shamed into putting it back in along with the reference to Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Didn't I read somewhere (NY Times?) something about this administration being the best friend Israel has ever had? Really? When did President Obama make an official visit? Answer - he hasn't yet. Our closest ally in the Middle East! Treated their Prime Minister like crap every time he visited Washington. Dems also let us know they don't begrudge the success of others. What a laugh! Lucky I wasn't drinking anything when I heard that or I would have done a spit take! They have done nothing but vilify the successful. Remember, "You didn't build that!" and the whole 1% versus 99% thing? Last but certainly not least, in a video shown to the delegates we learned that we all belong to the government! I know that wasn't meant the way it sounded but given their socialist proclivities and penchant for removing God from all things, I can just as easily attribute it to a Freudian slip. Unlike Conservatives who believe the government belongs to "We the People" and our rights are God-given, liberal Democrats (the only brand of Democrats in existence today) believe we are subjects not citizens and that government gives us our rights instead of just protecting them!

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