Thursday, July 27, 2017

An Unsuccessful Trump vs A Successful Hillary

I predicted that if Trump won the election, all the dire consequences many feared would not come to pass. Not because the fear mongers were wrong about Trump but because his agenda would be blocked at every juncture; by all Democrats and a significant number of "Never Trumper" Republicans. Looks like I was right.

Even if Trump's presidency ultimately end up being a failure, I still believe that an unsuccessful Trump is far better for the country and the world than had Hillary been elected. She would have gotten 100% support from Democrats and the feckless Republicans wouldn't have the backbone to mount even the slightest opposition. Every crazy scheme that she would have cooked up in her head would have become law. She would have been extremely successful - successful at causing great harm to America.

I believe that no government action is far more desirable than bad government action. An unsuccessful Trump is still far better than a successful Hillary.

Opposing views are welcome.

Friday, July 21, 2017

McCain, Baby Charlie Gard and Government Healthcare

The problem with this article is that it completely misses a huge point: Sen McCain and the rest of Congress exempted themselves from the ACA (aka Obamacare) because they, as elitists, have given themselves a "Cadillac" healthcare plan, the likes of which no other American will ever get. If Congress, Dems and Reps, are so dead set on government run healthcare, they and their families should first be forced to give up their special super-duper healthcare and get their care at the VA. Then that mess will get cleaned up and if they can't do that, then maybe they will rethink their approach to healthcare reform. Neither Obamacare nor Trumpcare are going to deliver anything remotely close to the level of care Sen McCain will get. Further, because the prognosis is so poor, it is likely that most govt run healthcare or single payer plans would just provide palliative care because the cost to benefit ratio is so high for treatment. You can call that by any name you like but the bottom line effect is a "death panel". This is the same situation going on currently in the UK with baby Charlie Gard. His care plan is "death with dignity".

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Socialism and The Great Pumpkin

Socialism for liberals is like The Great Pumpkin for Linus. Nothing can shake their belief.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Congress The Only Children Who Get Recess

At a time when most grade school kids no longer get recess, Congress is about to take its August recess even though much of their work (e.g. healthcare reform and the budget) remain unfinished. How appropriate that the only children in America guaranteed recess are our elected officials! Sad. Very sad!

Monday, July 10, 2017

Comey Admitted It - What's to Investigate?

So it has come out that what James Comey leaked to his buddy about President Trump to give to the NYT was classified. That is a felony! I heard a Republican Senator or Congressman say that needs to be investigated! WTF? He admitted it under oath in testimony to Congress! It is a crime. What's to investigate? Send it to a grand jury! Prosecute him and let a jury decide! Same with Hillary. Comey spelled out the violations of the law committed by then Secretary of State Clinton. Does anyone believe that the average citizen would escape prosecution? Public officials need to be held to a higher not lower standard than the average citizen and it's about damn time that starts happening. Comey and Clinton should be the examples!

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Racial Politics Creates Racism

There is a principle in leadership that says if you want someone to do something, make them think it is their idea.

Think about how things have come full circle since the 60's. The Democrat Party was for segregation, the party of the Klan, Jim Crow laws, etc. All that ended for the most part but after 8 years of racial politics under Obama, this year African Americans began demanding white-free zones on campus and Harvard actually had an all black graduation ceremony i.e. segregation! What next? Will they demand their own water fountains and bathrooms and to have their own section in the back of the bus?

Seems like the old time Dems are getting what they wanted after all by making modern African Americans think it's their idea. And Republicans are the racists? Fascinating!