Sunday, July 3, 2016

The Left's Latest Assault on Free Speech and Thought

The Left are great champions of free speech and free thought - as long as you agree with them. There are many examples of how they try to limit free speech and thought that they don't agree with.

One of their main tools of the language is to label certain arguments with which they disagree, hate speech and thus something that must be silenced. Of course the substance of the argument is irrelevant. Another example is the evolution of the name for global warming. When it became clear that the predictions weren't matching the agenda e.g. unusually cold winters, Leftists morphed the term into climate change to explain both warming and cooling. Convenient, right?

Now as the public has begun to reject the concept of political correctness, the statists on the left needed to create another "intellectual" sounding term they can use to combat speech and thought they don't like but can't mount a convincing argument against. This new term is micro-aggression.
Actually, according to, "microaggression which refers to a comment or action that is subtly and often unintentionally hostile or demeaning to a member of a minority or marginalized group—has seen a decided increase in usage over the past several years, though the word is at least 45 years old.

A few weeks ago, UNC Chapel Hill, published a guide, "Career Corner: Understanding Microaggressions." The guide was created using taxpayer money of course. Some examples of microaggression according to the guide are "Christmas vacation", suggesting a "golf outing", when someone says to a women, "I love your shoes." or when someone refers to their "boyfriend" or "girlfriend". Wow, how offensive. Don't we all feel much better now?

If controlling what one can and can't say wasn't so insidious, this would just be silly. It's not however because this is a deliberate erosion of your First Amendment rights. This is how these people roll.

Boy, I can't wait for these people to be in charge.

By the way, try finding the UNC guide using Google. It is no longer available. If they were proud of it , don't you think they would want everyone to read it? 

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