- Passing laws but exempting themselves
- Not enforcing laws they do pass
- Constantly making excuses for their failures
- Blaming others for their failures
- Calling groups of fellow citizens enemies
- Passing laws that large majorities of the public oppose
- Holding hearings but never holding anyone accountable
- Giving politicians a pass on criminal activity that would land ordinary citizens behind bars
- Spending the country into oblivion - $19T in debt
- Decrying greed and income inequality while becoming multi-millionaires in public service
- Showing complete distain for ordinary citizens
- Ignoring rampant waste, fraud, and abuse and then telling taxpayers they aren't paying enough
- Constantly blaming your own country for all the world's ills
- Focusing on trivial matters at the expense of serious issues
- Lying
- Parsing everything you say in lawyer speak so you can weasel out of things
- Not keeping your promises
- Disrespecting our history, culture and traditions
- Giving foreigners rights of citizens while denying actual citizens their rights
- Acting like an Ivy League law degree makes you an expert in everything from astrophysics to neurosurgery
- Rejecting hundreds and even thousands of years of collective experience, wisdom and common sense in favor of newfangled ideas with no evidence of merit
- Ceding our national sovereignty to unelected bodies like the UN, EU, and the World Court
Readers feel free to comment if I missed any of our grievances in the above bullets.
I agree Ken. Very concise. I can't agree with you more!