Saturday, September 12, 2015

Why the Appeal of Trump?

Don't interpret my attempt to explain Trump as me supporting Trump. I haven't made up my mind yet. There is still a long way to go until the Republican Convention and many debates in between so we will be a lot of opportunities to see what each of the candidates have to offer.
So here goes. I think the appeal of Trump is that he doesn't put up with the non-sense. I think he is the end of compassionate conservatism which is a bunch of crap. Nothing is more compassionate than the number of new jobs, economic growth and number of people, especially minorities, who entered the middle class under Ronald Reagan. What Trump refuses to do is allow the Leftists, especially in the media, to define the narrative about Republicans, Conservatives, or those in business. He doesn't stand for questions that start off with a false premise. The "I know all Republicans are racists but how will you be different?" or "Of course all Conservatives are anti-women, Hispanic, gay, science,..." or other more subtle implied lies. When a candidate allows those to stand or somehow tries to sound more middle of the road in response, it comes off as defensive or as a sign of lack of conviction.

I think Trump is the only candidate who has figured out what the Conservative voters have known for a while - Republicans have been doing political Tae Chi and the Progressives have been doing full on MMA. The other candidates better take off the gloves and discard the Marquis de Queensbury rules or we will lose and the rapid decline of the country will continue!


  1. Trump doesn't put up with nonsense, except for his own, and there is plenty of Trump nonsense. Since when has it become desirable to be rude, boorish, hateful, and a bigot? His comments about women and minorities should be a huge red flag. My thought is that he is verbalizing the feelings that have been brewing in middle class white men, but they are too politically correct to say it, or admit to themselves that they think it. By the way, what is compassionate conservatism? Compassion for big business and millionaires

  2. Why do liberals always have to make all issues a "white male vs everyone else" issue. Liberals want jobs but they hate employers; want prosperity but don't want anyone to make any money; want fairness but don't insist everyone contribute which should be a minimum requirement for fairness, etc. Who made millions from the $780B stimulus package that the president got? I guarantee someone did but I bet it wasn't Trump, the Koch brothers, or any Conservative. Liberals are like bad parents who let their kids do anything they want, require nothing of them and then when they are screwed up, brats, can't understand how it happened. The last 40 years or so of liberalism has created a country full of whiners and excuse makers instead of achievers.
