Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Bill Maher is Right about the Clock/Bomb

I hate to admit it but I finally agree with Bill Maher on something. Ahmed Mohamed's clock does look like in his words, "...a f-ing bomb."

And this isn't about Islamophobia; it's about reality. In 2013, a white 2nd grader was suspended in a Maryland public school which went on his permanent record for this: a Pop-Tart chewed in the shape of a gun.
In the next Bond movie, if Daniel Craig is frantically trying to defuze the top picture, are you going to say, "Hey James, stop messing with that! It's just a clock!"

Or would you try carrying it through airport security in your as your carry-on?

Would you put you hands up in terror if a 2nd grader pointed the object in the bottom picture at you?

No? I didn't think so!

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