Friday, July 31, 2015

Hillary's Emails Damaging Because We Will Never Know

Hillary Clinton's unsecured email server is far more damaging than Jonathan Pollard, John Walker, Aldrich Ames and Edward Snowden combined. (For any of you low information voters who may be reading this, some of these names might not be familiar to you. I invite you to use "the Google".)

The worst part about intelligence leaks is not knowing what was disclosed. Since Hillary illegally destroyed emails that Congress had requested (you try that and see if you don't spend a bit of time in prison), we will never really know what was in those emails and what was possibly compromised. No big surprise that the emails she did provide have a 3 month gap that just so happens to coincide with the Benghazi debacle.

18 minutes of missing tapes brought down Nixon. 10s of thousands of missing emails, and Hillary still may be our next president.

The lack of accountability of our public officials is completely out of hand and will destroy this country. We are spiralling toward 3rd Worldism if we aren't there already and the Left couldn't be more excited.

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