Thursday, October 10, 2013

Should Have Used GoDaddy

First impressions are important and I think it is safe to say that blew it. Whether or not you are a fan of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare), the roll out of the government health insurance exchange website certainly gives one reason for concern. So far, America's initial contact with the system via the website has been an unmitigated disaster. The ability to use the site has been very frustrating even to the numerous liberal TV journalists who have tried to access the system on air! In interviews yesterday and today, John McAfee, the founder of McAfee, Inc (the big software security company) said, "The site is hacker's wet dream!" He went on to predict that thousands of Americans may have their identities stolen due to security vulnerabilities in the website. Another interview I heard with a software designer, said the site appears to be poorly designed, badly implemented, and apparently not tested prior to launch. In fairness, the government only had 3 years to have the site built. All this for the incredibly low price of only $394 million according to this morning's Washington Post. Maybe they should have just used

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