Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Liberal In a Lifeboat - An Analogy

Our country is like a lifeboat. If you were in an open lifeboat with a liberal in the middle of the ocean with the sun beating down on you and you complained about being hot, the liberal would drill a hole in the bottom of the boat, splash you with cold seawater and expect you to thank him.


  1. That's funny (a bit) but it seems a too simple. The Liberal would argue that he would be the one to organize a community effort to relieve your suffering, maybe by collecting everyone's shirts and building a shade. I suspect he would force everyone to contribute their shirts, spend far too much constructing the shade and cover only part of the boat with it while making the boat top-heavy and unstable. Then he would appoint someone to be in charge of the shade, and perhaps require some sort of loyalty test from anyone who wants to get under the shade, and convince almost everyone that being under the shade is a Right guaranteed by the Constitution. A conservative would offer to splash water on you for a fee, or tell you to "tough it out." :)

  2. Ray I was trying to keep it simple - one Conservative and a Liberal. Anything more would be a decent into the 7th level of hell. :-)
