Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Send for Dr. Van Helsing

If Hillary Clinton's career can rise up from the political grave that the Benghazi Scandal should be, then someone needs to summon Professor Van Helsing, the vampire slayer from Bram Stoker's classic horror novel Dracula, before she can claim any more victims.

Friday, October 25, 2013

No Lifeline for the Democrats Over Healthcare

After being called all sorts of terrible names over the gov't shutdown asking for the very same thing the Dumocrats have now realized is necessary with regard to Obamacare, the Republicans should now sit on their hands. No way should they throw them the lifeline they are now groping for. This ugly baby is 100% the spawn of liberal Democrats' (I guess liberal is unnecessary) ideological loins and they need to pay the political child-support (in 2014 and 2016). The media, unwittingly, created a 2 week x 24/7 video documentary of the fact Republicans had absolutely nothing to do with this disaster. Working with them now is stupid, foolish, self-defeating, etc. Expect Sens McCain, Graham, and the other "Gang of Whatevers" to run out in their usual "battered political spouse"/Stockholm Syndrome manner to support their tormentors. Crazy!!!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Now Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Fresh off his "success" with comprehensive healthcare reform, now President Obama is pressing for "comprehensive" immigration reform. The liberal Democrat and RINO plan will necessarily demand a path to citizenship for those who have come to the United States illegally. Republicans (the law and order party)will naturally oppose any plan for amnesty but they will be demonized by the liberal media as mean-spirited, racist, blah, blah, blah, etc. until they give in. You know the drill.

I have a suggestion for Republicans. Insist on only one provision.

Any path to citizenship must be accessed through a government website.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fox Business's Cavuto Tells It Like It Is

As opposed to all the hyperbole, screaming and name calling for the liberal media, Fox Business anchor and commentator, Neil Cavuto, provides some measured criticism of President Obama and the new healthcare law. Liberals will hate this...because it is undenialable and the truth hurts.

Friday, October 18, 2013

The Shutdown's Silver Lining

One thing is for certain, Dems, liberals, RINOs and the media scored a major victory over the shutdown. However, all sides better observe caution. Repubs, Tea Party, and conservatives should avoid too much self-flagellation and the left would be well-advised to resist the urge to gloat or perform too many end-zone dances. Remember 1992? Geo H.W. Bush had a 89% approval rating in 1991 following the Gulf War and went on to lose less than a year later. People tend to over analyze the importance of political victory and confuse winning battles for winning the war. Timing will mean a lot here. Repubs and conservative might actually benefit from these short-term set-backs in the following way:

1. Had the Repubs been able to roll-back Obamacare, liberals could have said, “Well it would have worked but those mean-spirited, racist, bigoted, homophobe Republicans kept us from being able to give you your free healthcare.” It might actually be better to allow the train wreck and then be legitimately be able to say “See we told you so. We tried to prevent this but we weren’t successful. Don’t blame us.”

2. All politics is local especially with regard to Congressional Representatives. Those who think that the Tea Party candidates will be voted out by the very constituents who sent them to Washington to do exactly what they did are kidding themselves. Purple district candidates might be vulnerable but then again, they always are.

3. Unlike with the economy where liberals were able to make a convincing but in my opinion false argument that this bad economy is still all Bush’s fault, there is no way that if Obamacare turns out to be the disaster conservative predict (and so far is on track to be) it can be blamed on the Republicans. Dems and liberals own this one “Lock, stock and barrel” and they spent the last 2 weeks providing a 24/7 video record of it. When people become truly pissed because they lose their jobs, are forced to go part-time, have their health insurance premiums skyrocket, deductible shoot up to $5000+, employer coverage is dropped, etc, etc, etc. Democrats will be politically bludgeoned to death like baby fur seals by their own words captured on video by their media lackeys.

Time will tell but the future is anything but certain. Upcoming milestones: 01Jan 14 mandatory enrollment begins; 15 Apr 14 first impacts of tax penalties hit; 04 Nov 2014 mid-term elections; 08 Nov 2016 next Presidential election!

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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Liberal In a Lifeboat - An Analogy

Our country is like a lifeboat. If you were in an open lifeboat with a liberal in the middle of the ocean with the sun beating down on you and you complained about being hot, the liberal would drill a hole in the bottom of the boat, splash you with cold seawater and expect you to thank him.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Should Have Used GoDaddy

First impressions are important and I think it is safe to say that blew it. Whether or not you are a fan of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare), the roll out of the government health insurance exchange website certainly gives one reason for concern. So far, America's initial contact with the system via the website has been an unmitigated disaster. The ability to use the site has been very frustrating even to the numerous liberal TV journalists who have tried to access the system on air! In interviews yesterday and today, John McAfee, the founder of McAfee, Inc (the big software security company) said, "The site is hacker's wet dream!" He went on to predict that thousands of Americans may have their identities stolen due to security vulnerabilities in the website. Another interview I heard with a software designer, said the site appears to be poorly designed, badly implemented, and apparently not tested prior to launch. In fairness, the government only had 3 years to have the site built. All this for the incredibly low price of only $394 million according to this morning's Washington Post. Maybe they should have just used

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Obama Administration and Dems Can't Do Nothing Right

Before you jump on me for using improper English, permit me to explain myself. I'm not saying that the Obama Administration and the Democrats can't do anything right. With the exception of killing terrorists using drones, that's true of course but that isn't what I mean. My point is that with the government shutdown, they are supposed to be doing nothing and they are even screwing that up. Let's look at a few examples.

Once the government shutdown went into effect, the first thing the Administration did was deploy its "flying monkeys" better known as its cabinet secretaries to use their departments to inflict additional pain on the American citizenry. They went about shutting down facilities and services that cost the government nothing (at least in the short run) - things like the National Mall (that big open grassy area in downtown DC), the open air monuments such as the WWII Memorial, and the small parking spaces at the scenic overlooks along the George Washington Parkway which runs along the Potomac River. They even went to the trouble of closing bike paths, turning off the drinking fountains around the Mall, and turning off the "Panda Cam" at the National Zoo! Seriously? These actions actually cost additional money to prevent Americans from enjoying things that cost nothing to remain open!

Listening to the president and the Democrats talking about those "holding guns to heads", "terrorists", "holding hostages", "strapping bombs to their chests"and vows to not negotiate with terrorists, I thought for sure they were talking about Al Qaeda, the Iranians, President Asad of Syria, or President Putin of Russia. Imagine my astonishment when I found out that they were talking about their fellow Americans in the other political party and as a matter of fact they refused to even talk to them. The president however had no problem calling the new Iranian president, Rouhani. Apparently, Republicans are the real terrorists and they won't talk to them even to help end the government funding impasse. I would think that would be one of the few things they should have on their plate during the shutdown if they are truly interested in getting the government up and running again.

The Democrats began looking for examples of people were being hurt by the shutdown. They found that about 200 people were unable to take part in clinical trials at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) because it was shut down. This includes about 30 children being prevented from receiving their treatments for cancer. The joke was on them though because the Republican House sent an appropriation bill over to the Democrat Senate to fund the NIH but Sen Harry Reid (D- NV) refused to allow it to come to a vote. When asked about this by Dana Bash of CNN (a highly regarded member of the liberal media elite), Reid had a "Did I just say that out loud?" moment. Bash asked, "But if you can help one child who has cancer, why wouldn't you do it?" Reid replied "Why would we want to do that? I have 1,100 people at Nellis Air Force Base that are sitting home. They have a few problems of their own." He then went on to insult Bash saying, "This is — to have someone of your intelligence to suggest such a thing maybe means you're irresponsible and reckless …" He spent the next several days backtracking. This wasn't the only funding bill that the Democrat Senate refused to approve. Reid led the Senate in blocking funding to keep open the national parks, pay for veterans benefits, and pay the National Guard. The Democrats would have you believe that the 12 federal appropriations bills have always been rolled up into a single omnibus bill. However this is only a relatively recent phenomenon so their complaint about being asked to vote on funding the government piecemeal is a bit disingenuous.

I think most everyone agrees that there is a lot of blame to go around for the government shutdown. But just as with the sequestration when the unguided tours ( read zero cost to the government) of the White House were stopped, President Obama and his minions in the Democrat controlled Senate once again demonstrate they can't do "nothing" right and are looking increasingly petty, mean, vindictive and spiteful doing it.
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