Thursday, February 7, 2013

Beware of Obama's 'Fundamental Transformation' of America

When then candidate, Sen Barrack Obama, began calling for "fundamentally transforming America" I immediately began to wonder, "Exactly what does that mean?" If that question didn't occur to you, you demonstrate an alarming lack of intellectual curiosity and have a reckless disregard for your individual liberty! This is a direct threat to our Constitution.

To my mind, the main fundamental of the United States is our Constitution and it is what makes America exceptional so when President Obama says he wants to fundamentally transform America, naturally I considered the possibility that perhaps Mr. Obama isn't exactly a huge fan of the U.S. Constitution. In interviews, he hinted as much when he described it as 'a charter of negative rights' meaning in his opinion a constitution should say what you are required or obliged to do rather than say what you aren't compelled to do. His unwillingness to acknowledge the exceptional nature of our country that the Constitution has made possible would seem to support my suspicion.  President Obama isn't the only liberal democrat who isn't that dedicated to the Constitution. In 2012, Democrat North Carolina Governor Bev Perdue suggested that maybe the election should be postponed due to the serious economic situation the country was facing. More recently,  Rep. José Serrano (D- NY15) introduced a resolution to repeal the 22nd Amendment which limits the number of terms one can be elected president to two. The goal I can only assume is Barrack Obama - president for life - like some Third World Banana Republic. About a year ago in an interview with an Egyptian TV station, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a Clinton appointee, said if she were drafting a constitution in 2012, she would look to the new South African constitution as a model rather than the US Constitution. In another recent incident, professor of constitutional law at Georgetown University Law Center, Louis Michael Seidman, wrote an Op-Ed for the New York Times and suggested it is time to give up on our outdated constitution. These are some pretty mainstream liberals who are adding to the chorus from the left suggesting that the US Constitution is antiquated and should be abandoned. They blame the Constitution for our dysfunctional political situation and the inability to get things done in Washington. I would suggest that the problem isn't the Constitution but rather the disregard for the Constitution by our political elites that is the problem. The Constitution wasn't intended to make it easy to 'get things done.' It was meant to provide a framework for a deliberative, repeatable process for governance. Increasingly, we hear the liberal media refer to President Obama as a "a post-Constitutional president."

Elites - especially liberal elites - love to suggest changes that threaten our institutional protections again tyranny. They advocate hate speech laws that directly chip away at our 1st Amendment right of free speech. They argue for restrictions on our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms that gives us the ability to resist an abusive federal government. They manufacture meaning in the 4th Amendment guarantee to the right " be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures..." to include an unrestricted right to abortion. These are just a few examples. There are numerous others.

For any of several reasons, elitist somehow feel they are insulated from oppression and tyranny in ways that make our Constitution unnecessary. Perhaps it is their personal wealth. Or maybe it is their political connections. It may even be their perceived intellectual, moral, or ideological  superiority. Regardless of their 'reasoning', they are placing themselves and the rest of us in grave danger. These 'protections' are anything but secure and history is full of examples of groups who believed themselves to be 'safe' only to find out how truly mistaken they are.  

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