Had you asked the Secular Progressives in our government, media, and the entertainment crowd on December 14th if we need more prayer in American, I don't think there is any doubt they would have said, "Don't push your religious beliefs on us. We have a right to freedom from religion." Why then do they all call for our thoughts and prayers for the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre and their families? Perhaps our prayers would be more useful before tragedy strikes.
Amidst all the calls by liberals for more gun control laws, we learn that a Mexican Beauty Queen was killed by a gun connected to the Obama Administration's botched Fast and Furious gun running program. Wow!
Vice President Biden has been put in charge of finding answers to the gun violence. I guess that is what he gets for doing such a good job overseeing the stimulus spending.
Today President Obama revealed what Democrats mean when they call for compromise. In a press conference, the president said Speaker Boehner conceded to raising taxes. A synonym for concede is capitulate which is defined as: 1. to surrender unconditionally or on stipulated terms 2. to give up resistance. Not exactly my understanding of compromise.
Could the rash of murder-suicides committed by young Americans be at all connected to the belief promoted by secular progressives that there is no accountability beyond our earthly existence?
Are liberals calling for more restrictions on law abiding citizens' 2nd Amendment rights also open to more restrictions on their 1st Amendment rights such as restrictions on violence in movies and video games or their 4th Amendment "right" to abortion which arguably contribute to our "culture of death." Obviously a rhetorical question.
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