Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Most Dangerous Liberal Question: "Why Does Anyone Need...?"

A recent conversation I had with a liberal reminded me of the biggest problem I have with liberal thinking. As a result of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, we started out discussing gun control but as we chatted, the topic went from one subject to the next; each of us expressed our differing views and that was great. That is why I enjoy talking politics because I like to consider different points of view and perspectives. However, one troubling phrase kept coming up as my liberal friend spoke: "Why does anyone need...?" It started out as "Why does anyone need an AR-15?" This was followed by the usual, "You don't hunt with an AR-15." Etc, etc, etc. - all the usual arguments demonstrating the liberal misunderstanding of the purpose of our right to bear arms. Later, when the conversation turned to taxes and the wealthy paying their 'fair share", I heard the phrase again: "Why does anyone need more than a million dollars?" The problem as I see it is, where does this end and who gets to decide? If we allow the premise that we have the right to ask the question, then we also need to be willing to provide the answer to the questions, "Where does it end and who gets to decide?" Is it at, "Who needs 10 pairs of shoes? Or "Who needs two cars?" Or maybe it is even "Who needs their own car?" Clearly, NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg believes it extends to "Who needs more than a 16 oz soda? and as mayor, "I get to decide." I've never been a big fan of the slippery slope argument but in the case of liberals armed with the right to ask the "Why does anyone need...?" question, I can see a clear danger to our individual freedom. How about you?

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