1. One legislative item per bill; Don't even think about a "comprehensive" anything!
2. Limit the length of a bill to "x" number of pages.
3. Bills must be written by a Representative or Senator - not staff. The Devil makes use of idle hands. What are they doing if they aren't writing or even reading bills?
4. Bills must me written by hand - reduce the temptation to write on and on with the help of technology.
5. Senators and Representatives must sign an affidavit attesting that they have read a bill (in Toto) before they can vote on it.
6. If they can't reform themselves, amend the Constitution so that Representatives are selected like a jury for a period of 2 years. If an average citizen is good enough to sit in judgement of another citizen and possible sentence them to death, certainly they are capable of writing a few laws. My guess is most Americans would be willing to take a couple years out of their normal life and make $183,000 a year.
William F. Buckley Jr once said, "I'd rather be governed by the first one hundred names in the Cambridge phonebook than the faculty of Harvard." I think he may have been on to something!
True dat, Sir Ken. All exemplary thoughts. Of course making it happen is another matter. Where shall we start?