Why would the TSA spend $150,000 a piece for the controversial full body scanners when it can buy a fully trained bomb sniffing dog for $12,000? Could one reason be that former Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff owns a stake in a detector company? Or could it be that since dogs were used to intimidate prisoners at Abu Ghraib and Muslims believe dogs are unclean and offensive, our politically correct government is afraid to use dogs for fear of offending Muslims? It's hard to say for sure but I wouldn't be surprised if both reasons played a part.
By the way, the scanners were introduced in earnest following last year's underwear bomber incident. Unfortunately, the TSA admits the scanners wouldn't have detected that device. You can bet a bomb-sniffing beagle would have gladly sniffed the crotch of the underwear bomber - no additional training required.
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