Wednesday, June 28, 2017

6775 Americans A Day Will Die If GOP Healthcare Bill Passes

If the Republican Healthcare Bill passes, 6775 Americans will die per day. That's what Democrats would have you believe and the fact is - it is true! The problem is that's how many Americans die each day anyway.

An example of lying with facts. For other examples, check the NYT, WaPo or CNN on any given day.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Trump is Wrong!

The GOP wins both special elections - GA 6th and SC 5th. Trump is wrong! We aren't getting tired of winning!!!

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Mueller Hires OJ Simpson

Breaking News: Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller hires OJ Simpson for Trump collusion investigation based on his experience finding the real killers of his wife Nichole and her friend Ron Goldman.

I'm kidding of course but it makes as much sense as the list of Democrat donors and discredited investigators Mueller has already selected for his team. How about throwing in a few Bigfoot investigators too. At least they have experience following a trail with some evidence.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Comey's Most Important Character Trait

Comey's testimony yesterday before the Senate Intelligence Committee reinforced his singular, personal character trait: he is very tall. That's it!