Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Hysterical Left Helps Trump

The American people are clearly sick of career politicians, the mainstream media, and the elitist-class. As a result, the Hillary Clinton campaign continues to fail to gain any traction. Instead of it giving her a huge bounce, Hillary's clear victory in the first debate only solidified in the minds of many the fact that she is just a career politician who talks a good game but in the end has accomplished little and is actually responsible for much of what is wrong with the country. Rather than trying to run on her record, Hillary and her campaign team which includes the media are focusing their efforts on ever more hysterical attacks on Trump which are riddled with unsubstantiated accusations and only serve to highlight the very significant and documented problems of her own. The Clinton team's unmistakable lack of respect for the average American coupled with Secretary Clinton's propensity for labeling large swaths of her fellow citizens as deplorable, irredeemable, and her enemies, isn't doing much to garner additional voter enthusiasm. Their constant focus on obvious distractions at the expense of real issues only adds to the impression that they are out of touch. The latest non-issue - Trump following the law to legally not pay taxes - is a perfect example. What is really amazing is that someone (Hillary) who has clearly broken numerous laws has the nerve to criticize someone (Trump) for obeying the law. The irony and hypocrisy are not lost on the voters and will come back to haunt her this November.

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