Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Explaining Trump: Mean Guy vs Pajama Boy

Remember me? Pajama Boy!
Despite being rude, arrogant, and mean, Donald Trump still has a lot of support. Perhaps nice and acting traditionally presidential is just less important than just not being a "pajama boy"


Monday, September 26, 2016

Tough Mission for Hillary

Hillary has a very tough mission ahead of her tonight. Many on the left would like for the moderator to fact check what Trump says to call out his "lies." I hope Lester Holt does what he is being pressured to do because by doing that, it continues to draw attention to Hillary's even more significant problems with veracity.

Alternatively, when Trump makes inaccurate claims, Hillary could accuse him of not being in command of the facts. That would be a much better tactic but it is not without its pitfalls. Trump could easily retort that for someone who has so much experience and has all the facts, she sure hasn't been able to translate that into accomplishment or making things better.

Either way, Secretary Clinton is in a very difficult position. We will see in just a few hours how this will play out but one thing is for sure, it will be interesting to say the least.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Something To Love About Hillary

If you ever have a poisoning emergency and find yourself fresh out of Syrup of Ipecac, rest assured Hillary will always be there for you! Just watch anyYouTube video of one of her speeches.

Search For Trump Lies; Hillary Truths

This campaign has come down to:
Finding instances where Trump lied too and the inability to find any instances where Hillary told the truth.
What a contrast yet both are negatives for Hillary!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Over 800 People on Deportation List Accidentally Given Citizenship?

The Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security reported that over 800 people from countries of concern (think Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, etc) and who were slated for deportation were "accidentally" given citizenship instead. ARE YOU SHITTING ME? Accident my ass!

Secretary Jeh Johnson should be asked to resign immediately or be impeached and those directly responsible should be fired for gross negligence. Oh wait. They probably didn't intentionally F-up on a monumental scale so I guess they get a pass in the new world we live in.

Is America Becoming the New Jonestown?

When I see how crazy thing are becoming here,  I can't help but wonder if I am observing the equivalent of a "Fall of the Roman Empire."

America has become a modern day Jonestown where a small circle of complete lunatics are running the show; a wide and deep segment of the population is not only willing to drink the Koolaid but actively seeks it out, leaving the rest of us scanning the horizon for a patch of jungle into which we can run screaming as we go.

I hope I'm wrong and this train wreck can be turned around.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Parole Hearing or Presidential Campaign?

Something was always nagging at me (besides the obvious) when I heard Hillary say, "I made a mistake. It's certainly not something I would ever do again." Then it dawned on me, these are usually words one hears from someone seeking parole not the presidency.

Discuss amongst yourselves.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

I Bet Hillary Has Lupus

The only pneumonia that I know of that isn't contagious is the kind I had called BOOP which stands for Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia. Often the cause is unknown but it can be caused by auto-immune disorders such as lupus. That is what I predict is wrong with Hillary.

Even as self-centered as she is, I still don't think she would endanger the health of her staff or the little girl she hugged at the 9-11 memorial and certainly not her grandchildren at Chelsea's.

Additional evidence I would point to are her long, unproductive coughing spells that water doesn't help (been there!), weakness, and fatigue with no fever or other hints of infection. Then there is the fact that she has been keeping covered and wearing sunglasses when no one else around her is. I attribute this to the fact that many of the medicines used to treat these kinds of illness cause sensitivity to the sun.

These types of diseases can be very serious, are often chronic and would have long term implications with regard to someone's fitness to be president. Don't get me wrong, typical pneumonia is very serious especially for older people but it is very treatable so there is no reason why they would have tried to keep it a secret. She might have even gotten a lot of sympathy: "Poor Hillary. See how hard she is working and how tough she is!" One thing is for sure, There is also no way you can "power through the usual pneumonia. You can power through BOOP; I did but it wasn't fun.

So there you have it - the Carnivore's diagnosis of Hillary. Hope it isn't true since I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Besides I don't want her to have any excuse other than herself if she loses.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Whatever Happened to "Seeking a better way of life"?

Is it just me or didn't people used to say, "Immigrants come to America seeking a better way of life for their families." I don't think it is a coincidence that this phrase has fallen out of usage. I think it has been deliberately supplanted with"Immigrants come to America seeking opportunity." by multiculturalists because "better way of life" suggests some cultures are superior to others; in particular, the American way of life is better than those the immigrants choose to flee. Multiculturalists would have you believe that all cultures and societies are equal. This is why they oppose assimilation by immigrants. Disunity furthers their goal of weakening the US.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Coughing Fits Could Sink Hillary

The one thing that no one can shield Hillary from are the effects of a coughing fit. Even if they truly are nothing more than allergies or the effect of her blood thinner meds, if she has a 4 minute coughing  spell during one of the debates, she is toast.

Rightly or wrongly, Americans will not vote for what they perceive as a "Dead Woman Walking".

Remember: a flop sweat killed Nixon in his debate against Kennedy and it sunk his bid for the presidency in 1960.

Monday, September 5, 2016

President Obama Dis'd By China

When President Obama arrived in China for the G20 summit, the Chinese "forgot" to send stairs or even the usual red carpet. Then they separated him from members of his security staff.

If you have even a basic understanding of Asian culture, you know this was a deliberate gesture to cause "loss of face" for our president.

Just one more example how President Obama - the Apologist-in-Chief - has cause a loss of respect and status of the United States around the world.

At least under George W. Bush, while the world may not have liked us, at least we had its respect. After eight years of Mr. Obama, we have neither.