One should not take what I am about to suggest as an endorsement of Donald Trump. I think the pundits are failing to correctly interpret the anti-establishment movement we are witnessing and the continuing primary success of Trump, so I'd like to pose a different take on what is happening. Here goes.
When the presidential primary process failed in 2008 as the political "eHarmony" Conservatives had hoped it would be and gave them a candidate who was not a perfect ideological match, they stayed home on election day. The result was Obama. The scenario repeated itself again in 2012 and President Obama was re-elected for a second term.
In the off-year elections, Conservatives tried to remedy the situation by electing senators and representatives who promised them 100% of what they wanted. Unfortunately, those they sent to Washington delivered 0% of what Conservatives were hoping for. They didn't oppose the progressive agenda at all. [Incidentally, when President Obama succeeds in closing the prison at GITMO (notice I say when not if), he will have secured his legacy as one of the most successful presidents in US history for implementing his agenda. Ultimately, history will show that these policies were terribly damaging to America and the rest of the world but this is a topic for another time.]
Conservatives learned a tough lesson from the 2008-2012 election cycles. If you need a 100% ideological match in order to support a candidate or stay home, you get an "Obama". They elected people in the off-year elections who promised 100% and delivered 0%. The result was they got 100% of what they didn't like and nothing they did. They should keep this in mind this November or they may get another Obama term in the form of Hillary Clinton.
Trump is obnoxious. He is abrasive. Trump speaks in generalities but Trump loves to win. Even if Conservatives, and even many Independents, only agree with 50% of what he says, they will get 50% of what they like and maybe only 50% of what they don't. That puts them miles ahead of where they are now. One must also keep in mind that nearly 40% of Americans self-identify as conservative as opposed to 20% who call themselves liberal or progressive.
The pundits from all points on the political spectrum can continue to explain away Trump's primary performance based on their hopes, biases, and faulty polling data but if they do not start factoring in the root cause of the anti-establishment ire I have suggested, they will continue to be wrong.
For those concerned about Trump's character need to be equally concerned about Hillary Clinton's character when even her supporters acknowledge that she is a liar and fundamentally dishonest. Fortunately, Clinton 1, convinced America that character doesn't matter, so let's just move on okay?
ReplyDeleteNot typically a "Townhall" devotee, but I thought this article does a good job of covering this topic as well.
ReplyDeleteJoel, thanks for the link. While I don't disagree with much of what Townhall has to say about Trump, the problem remains that the anger (of those who feel like they have no one fighting for them) and the hatred (those who hate losing to Progressives they fundamentally disagree with) are not being addressed by anyone else. It's like the movie, "My Bodyguard". They feel like they are being bullied so they are looking for an even, tougher, nastier, bodyguard to standup for them. As to specifics, it isn't about specifics, it's about vision; a message - good or bad."Make America Great Again" is no "Shining Beacon on a Hill" but it resonates with many who feel the Progressives are succeeding in ruining America from the inside out.