Oscar Wilde once famously said, "The only thing worse than being talked about, is not being talked about."
Since I think much of the support for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is based on name recognition rather than their ideas (except for Trump's anti-establishment rhetoric and Hillary's anti-rich rhetoric), the way to oppose them is to stop talking about them.
For those concerned about who gets the party nominations, I propose supporting someone else rather than expressing opposition to someone. Otherwise, you end up actually supporting who you oppose by reinforcing the name recognition by the low information voters of both parties. Rather than connecting an idea you oppose to a candidate and thereby reinforcing the name recognition, support an alternative idea and be sure to connect that idea to the candidate you like. This would help increase the name recognition of the other candidates.
Yeah, I know I've been just as guilty of this as the next guy.
Let's educate and offer alternatives. I promise to try and do my part!
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