Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Jump on in Joe; The Water's Fine

As I have been getting my thoughts together on the Democrat debate, the news keeps on coming. Now several credible sources report that VP Joseph Biden will announce that he will enter the presidential race. What does this say about Hillary's prospects? Obviously the Democrat establishment is concerned about her viability as they should be. Her upcoming testimony before the Benghazi committee could be very damning and the Chinese water torture drip, drip, drip of her email scandal continues to erode her credibility. But seriously, Biden? The White Knight riding in to save his party?

Biden is a decent fellow albeit an amiable dolt with a perchant for skinny dipping in front of his female secret service protection and whose far left views lay outside the realm of reality.

Please, by all means VP Biden, run. The gaff a minute fest we will be treated to will be priceless!


  1. I think Biden may have a very popular following, but he has no base other than that which the Prog party might be willing to slice off and send his way. If he is to run, I can't see him being taken as anything more serious than a puppet replacement.

  2. You may be right. I'm more interested in what it says about the current field of candidates. It will also cause some real conflict in loyalties between the "Heir Apparent", Hillary, and the Good Soldier, Joe.
