Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Albert Gore Jr: World-class Hypocrite of the People

       Hypocrite is so often used these days that the label has lost most of its sting and I try to stay away from using it. In the case of Al Gore, the name is so well deserved it is unavoidable. We recently learned that Mr. Gore sold his failing cable network, Current TV, to Al Jazeera for $500 million. What makes him a world-class hypocrite are three main aspects of the deal.
       First, despite claiming that he believes that rich people like himself should pay more of their fair share in higher taxes, when it came time to sell his television network, Mr Gore (who reportedly received $100 million in the deal) and his partners did everything in their power to close the deal in 2012 to avoid the higher 2013 tax rates. Had it gone through in time, it would have saved the former VP tens of millions of dollars in capital gains taxes. I don't blame him but then again, I'm not the one claiming the rich should pay more in taxes. As with most liberals, we need to listen to Mr. Gore's words more closely. He said "people like me" but obviously he didn't mean himself.
       Second, Gore who is already a multi-millionaire which he gained largely from his Global Warming crusade in which he demonizes the use of fossil fuels apparently had no problem selling his network to Al Jazeera which is owned by Qatar. Qatar as we all know is a rich, oil-producing, Arabian Gulf kingdom. Aren't liberals always boycotting businesses they disagree with? Couldn't Mr. "No Fossil Fuels" Gore have found a more politically correct buyer? Oh that is only when they are talking about a $6 Chick-fil-A sandwich not a sweet deal like this!
       Third, the buyer Mr. Gore and partners sold Current TV to, Al Jazeera, is rabidly anti-American and is a propaganda outlet for our enemies. And why would Al Jazeera be willing to pay a half a billion dollars for a failing TV network? Is it because they think they can turn Current TV around? No, it is for access to our television market where they can spread their political views, propaganda, anti-Semitic rhetoric, and attack America in millions of our homes everyday. To me, this seems like a security threat but when the price is right, Mr. Gore doesn't seem to be bothered by that. I wonder if it even crossed his mind?
       These new "Inconvenient Truths" in addition to his house which uses 20 times more fuel than the national average and his jet setting life-style where he travels via a Gulfstream G5 which uses more fuel per trip than the average American family burns in their evil SUV in an entire year do make him a world-class hypocrite, don't they? Or is hypocrisy reserved for Republicans, the rich, and the "Little People"?

1 comment:

  1. Ken, I agree with you completely. However, I am surprised that the media barely has said one word of Mr. Gore's transaction. Well, he certainly knows how to run businesses into the ground, but gets rich off of doing so. Here is an article to the failed CCX (Chicago Climate Exchange) wehre he pocketed almost $18M when it failed.
