Friday, July 20, 2012

The Latest Gun Tragedy Brings Same Tired Liberal Response

Well we have had another gun massacre and the Left's response was as predictable as the tides. First, of course without any information, the Left tried to blame the shooting in Aurora, Colorado on the most recent statements by Rush Limbaugh. Then in a brilliant piece of investigative journalism, ABC's Brian Ross did a Google search on the apparent shooter's name, James Holmes, found one of the forty plus names that came up was a Tea Party member and logically assumed that this was the same James Holmes. ABC has subsequently had to apologize. Wasn't Jared Loughner - the shooter in the Gabby Giffords shooting - also originally misidentified by the media as a Right-wing Tea Party guy? Wow! Oops! Turned out in that case the guy was actually a manifesto-writing, Left-winger, kook. A mistake anyone could make, right? The next step of course will be the demands for more gun control laws. The liberal theory is that adding more laws to the thousands of existing laws is bound to do the trick because more gun laws means fewer guns in the general population which means fewer horrific crimes like this. But why do these massacres always seem to occur where there aren't supposed to be any guns anyway - a school, a college campus, a summer camp for teenagers in Norway (a country with some of the most restrictive gun control laws in the world), a place of business, and now a midnight showing at a movie theatre? Hmmm? I wonder why something like this has never happened at a 24 hour pistol range? What if an armed off-duty policeman or several trained, licensed and armed citizens had been present at the theatre? Could the carnage have been stopped? I guess we will never know.


  1. Gimme a break dude. Norway, Switzerland, these are the exceptions that prove the rule. Your rationale is misplaced. Just state that the price in human carnage that is paid in the US every year is worth the constitutionally endowed right of the populace to overthrow a despotic government. As a liberal, I would actually buy that calculus. Much more than the specious ramblings of the NRA about the rights to hunt. Let's be clear. This is about the requirement to maintain the means (a militia) to defend us against an overreaching and despotic government that would listen to our telephone conversations, scrutinise our browser history, conduct drone strikes on our relatives, confiscate our assets, imprison us without trial in G-bay.

  2. BV - I absolutely agree with your position and unfortunately not enough Americans understand the historical context in which our Constitution was written. We had just thrown off the yoke of an oppressive government and the Founders wanted to make sure the People had the means to do it again if necessary. 2nd Amendment isn't about self-protection, hunting, etc. Nice side benefits but just that.
    My problem is the BS "solutions" proposed by the left. In case you haven't noticed, criminals and lunatics tend not to pay much attention to gun laws. And the top 3 gun massacres took place not in the US but in Norway, South Korea, and Australia - all coutries with very restictive guns laws. BTW: I may be mistaken but I believe that gun ownership is actually mandatory in Switzerland since they don't have a standing Army but rather a citizen miitia. The calls for more gun registration is also bogus and counter to the purpose the 2nd Amendment since the repressive government would just round up all the guns in the hand of the citizens. Besides rarely if ever does registration help solve crimes. Most weapons found at crime scenes are either stolen or left because the perp was killed or seriously wounded. As for gun ownership and crime, most statistics show that there is an inverse realtionship between gun ownership and violent crime. More guns = less not more crime. Again Switzerland is the perfect example. High gun ownership; low violent crime rate. We are on the same page here pal even though it pains your liberal heart to admit it.
