A few days ago, I saw an article in the news with the above title. I'm not an "expert" but I do follow the news and I can put two and two together. There is an obvious connection but the so called experts are blinded to it by their ideology. Every time a State or city repeals gun bans or allows their law abiding citizens to obtain concealed weapons permits and thus exercise their 2nd Amendment rights, the liberal left makes dire predictions of a resulting "blood bath." And every time, they are proven wrong.
In 2010, the US Supreme Court overturned DC's strict gun ban and suddenly, law abiding citizens of the District could no longer be guaranteed to be defenseless prey for the city's criminal predators. You see, criminals being, well criminals, amazingly didn't comply with the gun ban law. After all, they needed their weapons; call them their tools of the trade. However, they also needed the reasonable assumption that their potential victims would be unarmed. This made the "work" much safer, more productive and I'm sure a lot more enjoyable. Then that pesky Supreme Court had to go and ruin a good thing.
I'm sure eventually the "experts" will determine the "true" cause of the drop in violent crime. They will probably cite their extensive research that shows that, global warming, the thinning of the ozone layer, Wall Street greed, racism, "Big Oil"...blah, blah, blah caused the economically disadvantaged to just give up on their chosen profession. Fortunately, the rest of us have a far better grasp of the obvious.
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