On the surface, we might be tempted to simply write this group off as nouveau-hippie and anti-banking types. We might even feel the need to interpret their anti-Wall St banker rantings as code words for “Jew.” However, there is no need since the original organizer of the protest, Adbuster Media Foundation, has a well-documented history of anti-Semitism and several OWS protestors have made it clear in taped interviews that they believe Wall St, banking, and the Federal Reserve are controlled by the “Jews” who send their money back to Israel. Additionally, one of the self-identified leaders in Zuccotti Park said his goal is the violent overthrow of the US government. Nice huh? And what about the appearance that this group are the average folks against the rich? Well ironically several of the protestors have revealed on video that they are actually well-to-do. Some are Ivy League graduate students while others have “Come into quite a bit of money.” Just average “Joes”, right? One of the truly amusing aspects of their demands is that they want government paid tuition and they rail against Wall St for making unfair profits. What they don’t seem to have a problem with is the fact that their schools’ endowments made on average 20+% last year. Funny how it is a problem for Wall St to make big profits but they don’t have a problem with their Ivy League universities doing the same thing. Apparently, it has never occurred to them to demand free tuition from their schools.
Another endearing quality of the Occupy Wall St protestors is their hygiene practices which include not bathing and relieving themselves outdoors, occasionally on the hood of a police car. Just like the Tea Party rallies – not!
Last but certainly not least is the respect the OWS has for the law. Just like the Tea Party, none of the OWS protestors have been arrested. Well that’s half true. The Tea Party has had no arrests. On the other hand, the OWS has had hundreds. And both groups have been completely non-violent. Though this is true, OWS sympathizer groups overseas have rioted.
So who is actually the 99%? Is the OWS crowd really like the average American? Are they like you or are you more like the Tea Party rally attendees? My guess is the latter and the Occupy Wall St crowd is less than 1% of the 99%. For the future of America, I really hope so.
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