Tuesday, December 15, 2020

I’m Back!

Well folks it has been a while. Took a little time off to earn my doctorate but I’ll have a bit more time on my hands now.

Plenty to rant about! More later.

The Carnivore is back!!!

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Left’s Need to be Needed

Most of societal ills are cured, not by government meddling, but rather by a strong economy. That is beyond the grasp of the Left. They have a pathological need to be needed and to help when the fact is: in most cases they aren’t and they don’t!

Monday, February 12, 2018

American Media and Kim Jong-Un’s Sister

American media fawns all over Kim Jong-Un’s sister - The Director of Propaganda and Agitation! Just how stupid are these people? They are truly “Useful Idiots”. So terribly pathetic.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Putting America First

While liberals may feel that putting America first is selfish and wrong, they miss the point. If America helps everyone else without taking care of itself, that is like when you are on an airplane, they tell you that if the oxygen masks are released, put your mask on first before helping others.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Washington Is Not A Swamp

“Drain the Swamp” has become a rallying cry for Trump supporters to fix Washington. Referring to Washington as a swamp is very unfair to swamps. Swamps are very productive ecosystems and Washington is anything but.

A more appropriate phrase would be “Pump out the cesspool.”

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Kiosks Replacing Kids

I saw my first ordering kiosk at a local McDonalds a few weeks ago. As I predicted, the Left's push for "a living wage" unsupported by economic reality will kill jobs. So now instead of high schoolers get their first job working at McDonalds, they are being replaced by machines. There's Progressive progress for you!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

One Degree of Separation

In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, Hollywood superstar, Jennifer Lawrence, recently revealed that early in her career she was subjected to a nude lineup at a casting call, wearing only pasties to cover her private parts. She was also asked if she would be willing to do porn.

Just goes to show that there is one degree of separation between the Hollywood and San Fernando Valley movie crowd/industries. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Weinstein produced porn under pseudonym.