Thursday, April 27, 2017

Goodbye Speaker Ryan

Once again the House fails to gain consensus on Obamacare replacement and cancelled the vote that was scheduled to be held tomorrow. Ineffective Rep Paul Ryan is not up to the job. He needs to either resign as Speaker of the House or be challenged and defeated.

Sorry Congressman Ryan but nice guys finish last!

Monday, April 10, 2017

The Next Looney Left Conspiracy Theory?

The AP is reporting that Russia knew in advanced about the chemical attack in Syria. Any bets on how long it will take for the looney Left to begin speculating that Trump also knew in advance? After all, he and Putin are BFFs, right?

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Biggest Threat to Element of Suprise

As always, liberals are finding something to complain about following the very decisive, proportional, and successful strike launched by President Trump following Syria's use of chemical weapons against their own citizens.

Previously they complained that Congress wasn't consulted. Now their complaint is that Trump gave the Russians a 1 hour heads-up at 2am - just enough time to have them get their people to safety but not enough time to move aircraft, warn Syria or try to mount a credible defenses. Had he not done this, it could have had grave consequences if Russians were killed in the strike. It is also a fair bet the Dems would have pointed to this as proof of Trump's recklessness and how he will cause WWIII.

Based on recent history, if the Trump Administration had consulted with Congress, it would have been immediately leaked to the media and the whole world would have been given 48 hours advanced warning which is more than enough time to render the strike completely ineffective. The biggest threat to the element of surprise so critical in military operations is subversive elements in our own government.

Next time an operation is required, Trump must consult with Congress prior to taking action. However, knowing that it will be leaked, he should provide false information so that when it is provided to our foes, it will serve the purpose of operational deception and also help catch the traitors in our midst. Two birds; one stone!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Fallout From Nuclear Option Won't Settle Where Dems Think

Any nuclear option will have fallout and the big question is always "Where will it settle?" In forcing the nuclear option in the confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court, the Democrats have miscalculated where the fallout zone will be. Rather than landing on the Republicans and hurting Trump, it will come to rest squarely on them.

In their petulant effort to get even with the Republicans for not allowing Obama'a Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, to come up for a vote, not only will it not prevent Gorsuch from becoming an associate Justice, it will pave the way for potentially three more conservative Trump appointees who might have been effectively opposed had they not caused this new precedent. This was a wasted maneuver over a seat on the bench that would not have changed the balance of the court anyway because conservative Gorsuch will be replacing the late conservative Justice Antonin Scalia.
A much better strategy would have been to oppose the next Trump nominee who will most likely be replacing a retiring liberal Justice Ginsburg which could effect the balance of the court. Further, although it may play well with their far-left base, it is equally likely to shore up Trump's base.

Additionally, because the Supreme Court was such an important topic with Independents as well as Republican in the last election, this latest move by the Democrats, may push the Independents to support Trump and jeopardize the 2018 re-election chances for several more moderate Democrats in states that went for Trump in 2016. This would ultimately give the Republicans even larger majorities in the House and Senate making opposing their agenda even more difficult.

As the saying goes, "When your opponents are busy destroying themselves, don't get in the way."