Sunday, March 26, 2017

Difference Between Trump and Obama Deals

In Obamaland, getting a deal is what's important. You can't walk away - ever. Even if the deal ends up going strongly against you and your objectives, the Obama policy was a bad deal is better than no deal at all. For example the Iranian Nuclear Deal was a really bad deal but Obama did it anyway. That was Trump's big criticism: "We make stupid deals."

By contract, Trump knows "when to fold 'em" and he is willing to walk away from a deal that wasn't shaping up as a good deal. No use wasting more time on it: the "it" being Repeal and Replace Obamacare. Ridding us of Obamacare will take care of itself. It is unsustainable and is imploding anyway.

The effort to repeal and replace was noble but unnecessary. Though most of the attention is being given to the failure of Trump and the Republicans, what is being overlooked is that not a single Democrat voted to try to fix the mess they created - not one. Nor have they proposed any legislation to help fix it.

Why Congress, Democrats and Republicans, continue to insist on "all at once; all or nothing" legislation is baffling to me. Grand schemes can lead to grand successes but most often they end in spectacular failures. The best guarantor of success is a methodical series of well thought out steps. For fixing healthcare, Congress should add provisions to secure our healthcare system such as allowing health insurance to be purchased across state lines, medical savings accounts and medical tort  reform. Then once the general system has a new set of supports, they can knock out the failing pillars supporting the crumbling, burdensome and fatally flawed Obamacare system.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Speaker Paul Ryan's Failed Leadership

If the Obamacare Repeal and Replace effort fails in the House tomorrow, responsibility will rest squarely on the shoulders of Speaker Paul Ryan and he should resign for gross failure of leadership. Period. There is no excuse!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Susan Rice? Are You Shitting Me?

Former UN Ambassador Susan Rice said Trump White House falsehoods undermine confidence in the US. Are you freaking kidding me? This from the woman who went on five Sunday morning talk shows to peddle the Obama Administration's big lie that the attack in Benghazi was the result of a video. Then she continued to lie about it for weeks! Talk about a hypocrite. Talk about a liar. Talk about people with absolutely no sense of irony. As I have said before, these people do not enjoy an adult relationship with the truth nor do they share a connection with reality. Trump is damaging confidence in the US? Are you shitting me?

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

What Did We Learn from Rachel Maddow?.

By now you have undoubtedly heard about the much hyped Trump tax returns that were reported on by Rachel Maddow on her MSNBC show. What we learned from Ms Maddow was that despite being a Stanford grad and Rhode Scholar, she really isn't all that bright. Who looks at 2 pages of a billionaire's tax return and thinks they actually have something? A complete nincompoop that's who. Or perhaps someone so blinded by hatred of President Trump that it clouded her judgment. Has Maddow actually seen a tax return before? Regardless, this is precisely why Trump doesn't want a bunch of idiots looking at his tax returns. It's like giving Kierkegaard to a chimp. Even if he could  read it, he wouldn't understand it.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Pelosi's Expanding Vocabulary

Last June in the heat of the presidential campaign and in the lead up to the FBI's announcement as to whether or not it would recommend indicting Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton for her private email server and failing to properly safeguard classified emails, the then Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, had a private meeting on the tarmac of the Phoenix Airport with Hillary's husband former President Bill Clinton. As Attorney General, Lynch was the boss of FBI Director James Comey - the man making the determination whether to indict or not indict Hillary. This was completely inappropriate and many, myself included, called for Lynch to either resign or at least recuse herself from the decision process. Many but not Rep Nancy Pelosi (D - CA).

A few days later, Director Comey called a press conference where he described a list of potential criminal acts that appeared to have committed by Mrs Clinton but to the amazement of most, he concluded by saying  he was not recommending an indictment based on an incorrect interpretation of the law and because he believed the case wasn't strong enough to get a conviction.

Fast forward 9 month later and Pelosi is demanding that Attorney General Jeff Session recuse himself from the investigation into whether Russia influenced the 2016 presidential campaign because he met with the Russian Ambassador when he was a senator.

Is "recuse" a new word for Speaker Pelosi? Perhaps she got one of those "Word of the Day" calendars in her stocking last Christmas.