Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Hillary Can't Even Vet Her Own Rally

How did Omar Mateen, father of the Pulse nightclub terrorist and an anti-American, radical Taliban supporter end up in the VIP section at a Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee, Florida just south of Orlando?

If she can't even vet attendees at her own rally of just a few thousand people, how is she going to properly vet the 500,000 Syrian refugees she plans to bring to the US if elected president?

Monday, August 8, 2016

Private Email Server Convenient For Hillary; Deadly For Shahram Amiri

In emails on her unsecured server, Hillary and her subordinates discussed an Iranian nuclear scientist, Shahram Amiri, who was working for the US government. They obviously knew it might expose this covert source since they tried to use code to help protect his identity but Navajo Code-Talker they were not. Yesterday we learned that, despite their amateurish efforts to protect his identity, Amiri was hanged by Iran for treason.

For those of us who have been entrusted with classified material and treated it with the care that is required, it comes as no surprise that Hillary's extremely careless handling of highly classified material would have grave consequences.

Hillary's use of her unsecured server was, for her, a convenience but for Iranian scientist Shahram Amiri it was deadly.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

$400M Payment Not Ransom?

To everyone except the Obama Administration and their apologists, the $400M in foreign currency, in small denominations, delivered in the dead of night in an unmarked cargo plane to the Iranian ayatollahs looks like random.

The only way it could look more like random is if the money was wrapped in brown paper bags and dropped in trash cans in a park in Tehran.

By the way, the excuse of the litigation at The Hague is lame. There are also cases amounting to $34B against Iran for damages caused by their terrorist activities. We should have given the money to Americans to settle those cases rather than giving it to Tehran to create more.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

The Two Biggest Problems With Hillary

1. Why would anyone believe a compulsive liar will do what she says she will do?

2. If elected, she might actually do what she says she will do.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Hey Barack The Barbary Pirates Want Their Foreign Policy Back

From 1801-1805, the US Navy and Marine Corps team fought the First Barbary War, also known as the Tripolitan War, against Muslim pirates in North Africa who were taking America sailors and ships hostage. You know, "From the Halls of  Montezuma, to the Shores of Tripoli,..," Prior to that time, America capitulated and went along with the pirates' foreign policy; paying the ever increasing ransoms and annual tributes to gain the return of our sailors and ships. Finally, President Thomas Jefferson had had enough, we fought back and eventually defeated the pirates.

According to an article in yesterday's Wall St Journal , the Obama Administration secretly sent $400M to Iran as part of the controversial nuclear deal in order to gain the freedom of four Americans being held by the mullahs. The money was sent in foreign currency, on an unmarked plane  without any fanfare. Under US law, it is illegal to pay ransom however, Administration officials deny any quid pro quo. If it was all on the "up and up", why all the secrecy? Could it be that, like so many of the other Does this sound familiar Mr President? of the Iranian Nuclear Deal, we are once again being deceived?

Hey Barack, the Barbary Pirates called, they want their foreign policy back! Sound familiar Mr President?

Recipes For Success

If you bake a cake and it's a flop, don't blame Betty Crocker.
If you are a failure in America, don't blame freedom and capitalism.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Dems Use Khans As Political Human Shields

Typical Democrat political dirty tricks. Mr Khan was asked to speak at the Democrat Convention and launch an unprovoked attack against Trump. They hoped Trump wouldn't be able to respond for fear of being accused of attacking a gold star family. In essence, Democrats used the Khans as political human shields. That sounds more like what our enemies do than patriotic Americans. If anyone should apologize, it should be the Democrats for stooping to such un-American tactics.

Just One Question

Where was the outrage when Hillary Clinton called the mothers of those who died in Benghazi liars? I guess since families of those killed serving in the Department of State don't get gold star status, attacking their loved ones is okay with Democrats and Democrat-lights like John McCain. I wish there was a better word than hypocrite!

Hillary Calling The Kettle Black

Hillary attacked Trump for asking why Mrs Khan didn't speak during the DNC convention. I agree that it was in poor taste. Hillary asked, "Where is the bottom?" This from the woman who called the Benghazi mothers liars. Well Ms. Clinton, if anyone can help us find the bottom, it would be you. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

On second thought, Hillary can't help us find the bottom because with her it is a bottomless pit.