Monday, April 1, 2013

Liberal Thinking 101 (Part 2 of n): Liberals - The Picassos of Analysis

I would say that one way to define analysis is:  Analysis is the art of gathering facts, piecing them together in a logical manner and drawing conclusions from the picture they paint. If that painting resembles the work of Pablo Picasso, you can bet the analysis was done by a liberal. Take for example the issue of children's nutrition and obesity.

Fact 1: Unlike when I was in school and only about 15% of kids took part in the free or reduced lunch program, today nearly 60% of children in our public schools receive meals under this program. (Sources: National Center for Education Statistics; 2008 Digest of Education Statistics; US Agriculture Dept.)

Additionally, some school districts provide breakfast and dinner as well. Amazingly, some even open their doors during vacation periods to provide free meals.

Fact 2: Today, over one third of all American school children are obese. (Source: Ogden CL, Carroll MD, Kit BK, Flegal KM. Prevalence of obesity and trends in body mass index among US children and adolescents, 1999-2010. Journal of the American Medical Association2012;307(5):483-490.)

Fact 3: "...Only six percent of schools in the United States offer daily physical education classes, reports The Early Show's Debbye Turner....the number of quality physical education programs nationwide has been on a decline for 20 years....the number of overweight kids in the United States has tripled in the last two decades." (Source:, Dakss B, Obesity Up, Phys Ed Down, February 11, 2009)

The obvious conclusion at least to liberals like New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg: sugary sodas are the culprit - especially those sold in 16 oz or larger cups. 

Now multi-billionaire lefties like Michael Bloomberg aren't stupid. I guess they just exercise artistic license with the facts.